wr application

Sep 25, 2011 13:09

Name: Kira
Journal: tinwateringcan.blogspot.com
Contact: tinwateringcan (AIM)

Character Name: Lea
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: ~15 / after being thrown out of Ansem's castle in Birth by Sleep
Requested Sponsor: Ruby; possibly Amethyst
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
History: Wikia

(His canon history is meager; just let me know if you want me to write a more detailed history based on headcanon, and I will be happy to do so.)

Garden History: N/A

Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Physically, Lea is a normal human. He's taught himself to fight with a pair of metal, four-pointed discs, and he's proud of his skill, but he's a novice: no match for someone experienced with real combat. He doesn't have any magical training, although his Nobody's later affinity for magic suggests that Lea probably has the raw talent (just no skill.)

Personality: Lea is an incorrigibly outgoing dreamer. He loves making new friends - in fact, he does it so often that his best friend Isa complains about him adopting stray puppies. He'll stop anytime, anywhere to chat up somebody who looks lost. His aggressive friendliness has an ulterior motive; he desperately wants to be remembered, because he believes that being remembered by his friends is a form of immortality. The more friends he has, and the more people who remember him, the greater his chances of vicarious survival.

This obsession suggests that Lea is, above all, afraid of nonexistence - afraid enough that even at his young age he's deliberately making preparations against the possibility of his own death.

Despite this fear, Lea is no coward: he just wants to make his mark on the world. In fact, he's recklessly brave, rushing headlong into his and Isa's plan to sneak into a well-guarded castle and prodding Ventus into a sparring match that he loses pathetically. Defeat doesn't discourage him, either, even though he hates to lose. He's proud and competitive, but he's not touchy or mean - he's even willing to make himself the butt of a joke. The pride is still there, and it's genuine (he likes to win) but he's secure and resilient enough that neither beatdowns nor mockery bother him much. After all, nobody who was touchy about criticism could stay friends with Isa for long.

Lea has a fair amount of natural charisma, but he's impulsive and kind of a dork, with an unfortunate tendency to think he's really cool. He's likeable, and his interpersonal instincts are good - some of his dorkiness is clearly deliberate clowning, and he's swift to pick up on Ventus's reaction to his behavior even though they've never met. On the other hand, not all of it is deliberate; he's hotheaded and emotional, and despite his willingness to joke about it he really doesn't take defeat well. He's the one who struggles wildly as he and Isa are being thrown out of the castle, when Isa remains still (accepting defeat and probably already making alternate plans). And yeah, he thinks a couple of pointy Frisbees make him the most awesome thing ever. Feed his ego a little and he will loooove you.

Hotheaded, charismatic and impulsive though he is, Lea isn't necessarily transparent. Isa's his best friend, but Lea had apparently never before told him why he wanted to be remembered; even though he swiftly puts himself on friendly terms with Ventus, he doesn't tell Ven much about himself outside his name. He doesn't deliberately conceal his motivations, but he also isn't about to go explaining himself to people who don't ask. Given his investment in being totally awesome, he'd probably also be too embarrassed to admit to squishiness or otherwise shameful feelings unless he was talking to someone very close to him.

Lea's a bit of a troublemaker, the sort of guy who would break rules because it seemed like a good idea at the time, but he's also someone with big plans. Although we never find out the specific details of his and Isa's goal, it's obvious that it's extremely important to him - to both of them, in fact, and their shared dream is enough to bind them together despite their radically different personalities and approaches. They seem to complement each other, with Isa as the cool-headed planner and Lea as the passionate goal-driven fighter. Not to say that Lea is a doormat or flunky, but he does seem to be the one who goes along with Isa's ideas; that is to say, Isa's the one who drags him back on track when he gets distracted. On his own, Lea's not too great at things like contingency planning, staying on track, or tactical thinking that doesn't go 1. Awesome idea. 2. ??? 3. Success!

What are your plans for the character in-game? I want him to interact with people who are professional fighters, develop a more reasonable estimation of his own skill, and learn to tame his impulsiveness and plan ahead; I also want him to develop friendships with a variety of people and expand his interactive horizons a little. Long-term, I want to see him establish and pursue a goal in this world. Likely he'd aim for fame as a SeeD or become involved in protecting a person or place he's emotionally attached to, though the details and motivations would depend on in-game events.

Anything else?

What do you prefer to be known as? I'm Lea! Got that down? [Cranes neck in an attempt to see the interviewer's papers.] L-E-A.
How old are you? Fifteen.

Do you have any history in combat? I've got these babies! [Producing his metallic pointed Frisbees.] I'm pretty good with them, too. If you think you can handle it, I'll give you a demonstration! -- Uh, I meant later, not in here. I'm not going to toss them around indoors. Promise.
If so, have you ever killed? ...No.

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? Those are the best kind! [Laughing.] I like being up on my feet, getting stuff done, [handwave] you know. I'm not great at sitting around and waiting. That's a waste of time!

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities? Yeah, sure, if you mean hanging out with my friends and finding stuff for us to do. I mean, I've never set up a sports team or anything, but I can still figure out how to blow a weekend having fun.

iii) What role do you take when working in a group? That's kind of tough... what's the group trying to do? I'm pretty good at hands-on stuff and talking to people - [unless the talking is supposed to be diplomatic-- he clears his throat.] I guess it depends on what we're doing and what everybody else is good at. I'm versatile!

iv) How talkative are you around other people? [Grinning] You tell me! --okay, fine, sheesh, I'm pretty talkative. I like getting to know people.

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. Um... these things [indicating his weapons] because there might be dangerous animals there, and - can we say people? It's fine to say people, right? Because I'd want my best friend there. I guess it's pretty easy to tell why on that one. Number three, I'd want a boat! Between me and Isa I bet it wouldn't be too hard to sail it home.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? [This question has him looking more serious.] Yeah. It's really important.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? Sure! I mean, it depends on how bad the odds are, but if you really want something, it's worth going for it even if it's hard to succeed. And if you don't really want it, what's the point of taking a chance in the first place?

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? I do things for a reason! Even if I don't always plan them out ahead of time.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life? I was just about to say that. So, yeah!

x) Do you like surprises? Sure. If it's a good surprise.

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? [instantly] Is not! ...Naah, I'm fine. I'm great!

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions? That one's kind of tough too. Not automatically, I guess? If I was working for somebody who came up with really good ideas, I'd be fine, but if they were crummy decisions I'd say something.

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages? Ewww. [Making a face.] I'd much rather have ice cream.

Thread links:
dear_mun post
and a few threads.

Third person sample: ta da! (in case the threads are a bit short.)

!ooc, !app

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