(no subject)

Jul 11, 2003 22:11

who says girls don't talk dirty? :D here's a short transcript of what happened during break LOL. read and enjoy. (ah the innocence :p)

bern: last time i didn't know what tampons were. i only knew swimmers wore them - thought they were something like goggles.
wing/me: *muffled laughter*
bern: so i went to up to this senior girl who i knew was a swimmer and asked her straight 'what's a tampon'
wing: how do tampons work?
me: you just stuff it -up there-
wing: then how does it come out?
bern: there's this string attached to it...
me: yeah but if you wear tampons you gotta be careful how long you leave it in there cos it can break when you pull it off
bern: yeah so you get a whole load of cotton in your ass.
wing: uh so you pull the string? what if it's too far in?
bern: the string's quite long...it's not just an itsy-bitsy thing - imagine digging around in there 'wheres the string? wheres the string?'
wing: you make it sound like it's a ball of yarn.
me: yeah! and you pull and it all unravels inside of you...things curious little boys do when they're bored you know...

ok so we've established we're completely dirty :p. now for somemore LOL. this was during english class.

teacher: you know where there stick it in do you? (referring to barebacking hee)
me: *rolls eyes* asking me?
teacher:...men are not equipped with a hole like women are so they stick it up the anus.
bern: what if he's got constipation?

*smirks* great mental image there.
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