Here's who/what people put as #1 at my polling place - Batman Park, Croxton, part of the 'safest' Labor seat in the country. It's reassuring to see the votes for the more extreme/specialised/wacky parties tend to get balanced out by people who feel exactly the opposite.
554 Australian Greens
548 Australian Labor Party
202 Liberal/The Nationals
70 Informal
19 Australian Sex Party
16 Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia
14 Family First
10 Australian Democrats
8 Socialist Alliance
8 Liberal Democrats (LDP)
7 Stephen Mayne et al
5 Socialist Equality Party
4 Shooters and Fishers
4 Christian Democratic Party
3 Ungrouped
2 Senator On-Line
2 The Climate Sceptics
2 Citizens Electoral Council
2 One Nation
1 Independent
And for my parents' polling place in Gippsland - Longford Primary School, Longford. It's where they generally stick the leader of the Nationals. Very surprised the Greens polled twice as highly as Shooters & Fishers!
251 Liberal/The Nationals
174 Australian Labor Party
55 Australian Greens
24 Informal
23 Shooters and Fishers
18 Family First
10 Liberal Democrats (LDP)
9 Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia
6 Australian Sex Party
2 Australian Democrats
2 Building Australia
2 One Nation
2 Christian Democratic Party
2 Carers Alliance
1 Socialist Equality Party
1 Secular Party of Australia
You can find Senate results for your electorate and polling place
here, and even download a fun .csv fie to play with!