I've disappeared, haven't I? I've been posting on my
craft blog almost every day since April, and been leaving this personal one high and dry. Here's some recent snippets.
I made my first sale to a shop today. It's an elating feeling: validation, recognition, being stocked alongside my far more experienced (and in many cases lightyears more skilled) peers. I'm not even going to add up how much (more like how little) of my wholesale order is profit. It's a very welcome cash injection after my business had a slightly splurgy month last month. But this Sunday's market stall is going to be a little bare, as the shop owner purchased the stock I took into the shop with me.
If you happen to be in Northcote, it's The Local Shop at 262 High St. They don't have a website, but I'll take some photos next week when I go in to drop off the rest of the order.
T is thriving in his new job. As long as I've known him he's read critical thinking books for fun, and finally he's being paid to put his mental skillset to use. He's full of plans about how to revolutionise his job and perhaps influence the culture of strategic analysis in law enforcement. That may sound unlikely, but his employer has only had strategic analysts for five years. It's a very new role.
I asked if he'd consider taking up dual citizenship if his career with the state public service plateaued, in order to be eligible for federal agencies. He answered yes without hesitating. Then he pointed out that would mean we'd have to move to Canberra. I might drag my feet over that one more than him.
I love seeing him so passionate about his work.
Jack is nearly ten months old. Ten months. He's hardly a baby any more. He pulls himself to standing and 'cruises' along the couch, hits the Esc key on my laptop to delete whatever I'm doing and then pulls out the power cord, which crashes my laptop as it doesn't recognise its battery. He'll play happily and noisily as I'm sewing. Today I noticed him chewing on something and fished a drawing pin out of his mouth. I'm getting him weighed next week and I think we might be in for a pleasant surprise. His little cheeks have suddenly turned chipmunky.
I hosted Mums Group this week for the first time. I spent forever cleaning up the house, even got T to make an extra effort. The truth is I felt very self-conscious inviting my Mums Group into my home. Out of nine (six regular attendees including myself) I'm the only one who's renting, and everyone else lives in renovated period homes or new townhouses. I used to blab a lot about being on rent assistance and my hopes for T getting a promotion as he was earning $XYZ a year. It took me several months to realise all the other couples earn at least twice what our household does.
Luckily by that point I'd already made a few friends, but there are one or two I'm slightly shy of when I talk about my op shopping exploits and mending clothes to save money. But hey, you can't be best friends with everyone.
T's going on an overnight retreat with his work team next Tuesday/Wednesday. I think I'll probably just spend the evening filling my shop order and maybe even working on presents soon due for my nieces and goddaughter, and a friend's new baby.
Once again, as soon as I spot some spare hours I immediately fill them with sewing.
I guess I do have a pretty sweet life.
The big pre-Christmas toy sales are on. Until now I hadn't been aware that July counted as pre-Christmas. By the time Jack's in high school I'll be doing his Christmas shopping in March.
It's such a buzz to study the toy catalogues and realise I am now the boss of Christmas (together with T, but he's more my deputy). I have the power to determine what age means bikes, what age means a walkman (or whatever), what age means a gift voucher because you don't seem to like anything I pick out for you.
I'm not buying for Christmas yet but, as noted above, Jack's first birthday is in two months. I've chosen this push-along tricycle.
(If you read this entry on a small screen it'll look like I've chosen a pink trike, but on a full screen you should be able to see the red and black one.)
It's for ages 10 months to three years. There's a cheaper one at KMart, but this one has an all-metal frame and I think it's worth the extra money to have it last Jack for two years and then hopefully do as a hand-me-down for a sibling as well.
I think it'll get both of us out of the house more, as I'll be looking for any excuse to strap him in and push him to the playground for a swing.
I'm not sure if this makes me feel like a real mum, or if I'm filled with the joy of vicarious childhood.