(no subject)

Jan 29, 2010 17:11

Let me tell you what's wrong with our health care system. It's not that insurance isn't available to the masses. It's that between the doctors and the insurance companies, even if you HAVE insurance, you're still goign to go bankrupt if you get sick.

For example:

Chest pains. Call a nurse, nurse says go to er. I've had it for a while so I call a doctor to make an appointment in the day, figuring I've waited this long, what's another day. He refuses and says I have to go to the er now.

Er trip: $3,500

Insurance covers: $0

Amount we pay to the insurance comapnies every paycheck (that's twice a month) $232, and they don't pay anything.

Make doctor's appoointments. Each appointment costs $75.

Insurance covers: $0

Bloodwork done, who the hell knows how much that'dll be. They won't use the hospital's bloodwork because that was a few weeks ago and they need new bloodwork now. So more tests.

Insurance covers: $0

Oh and they need me to go to a cardiologist for a stress test. But the cardiologist wants to do a separate consultation before he'll even do the stress test. I couldn't get a straight answer on why that was necessary when my doctor is the one who'd be going over the results with me. i told him I'd get back to him after I talked to my doctor.

consultation ranges from $90-$400, insurance voers none of it.

Then the stress test on top of that. Who the hell knows how much that is.

So far the only thing insurance has covered is a small portion of my pills.

I hate insurance companies.
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