Written by
thnidu A Fan's Alphabet
© MMIX thnidu
A is for Ascians, who spin through the air (1)
B is for Bilbo, feet covered in hair
C is great Cthulhu, whose time will soon come
D is for Dent, who escaped on Ford's Thumb
E is for Escher, defying perspective
F is for frakkin' and other invective
G is for Grimm and for Grendel and giants
H is the Horsetamer's Daughter's defiance
I is for Illyan, who never forgets
J is for Jubal and Jedi and jets
K is for Kryptonite, red, green, or blue
L is for lead, which it cannot get through
M is for Morpheus, master of slumbers
N is neutronium, nixies, and Numb3rs.
O's the Librarian's language of ooks
P is for Potter and millions of books
Q on the Enterprise sows consternation
R is for Rossum, the robots' foundation (2)
S is Silverlock, Golias' friend
T is for Terminus Est: It's the end!
U is for Underhills -- three, and all thrillin'
V is for Voldemort, Vader, and villain
W's [Widget] and [Wadget], a pair
X is for X-Files: The truth is out there!
Y is great Ymir, from whom we were made
"Z was the Zither he left to the maid."
(1) It's origin is Greek for tropic-dweller (literally "person with no shadow at noon") - Gene Wolfe used it for a group of people in The Book of the New Sun.
(2) Overt nod to Čapek and subtler one to Asimov.