Will Judge for Pay...

Feb 15, 2009 13:05

Well, hardly like those two who put juveniles in detention for cash...

Yesterday was the first forensics tourney held by the local high school in my area. As a former speech geek, I was verra verra excited to be tapped for the judging pool.

I had forgotten just how dang fun it was to be around "speechies." And, I had no idea that the judges had so much fun in their room while we were out there having panic attacks and hyperventilating between rounds.

And I discovered I have no tolerance for speakers who want to push the written rules.
And I discovered the canned courtesies and "remember me" tricks are sardonically amusing, rather than irritating.
And I discovered that the Socratic method of "I don't know, why don't you tell me?" works very well to give people enough rope to hang themselves with, especially if (see above).

And lastly?

OMG, they're all so little!

PS:  What was that high school girl doing wearing Christian Louboutin red-undersoles? Those things are $500-$1000 a pair!!
PPS:  I am disturbed to discover I knew exactly what shoes she was wearing....*sigh*....


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