Feb 09, 2004 22:29
had a bad night last night and cried to sleep, okies, enough about that
for a guy who need affections... to have friends who gives him affections... what's he to do besides go speechless?
u know what i realized? i haven't given credit to whom deserves it. well, i'm glad i switched dancer partners and now i'm with Lauryl. she's incredibly awesome, and we get along so well, especially while dancing. Lauryl's a darling, and she's so sweet to me. i really don't deserve it =\ i'm a total dork, but she loves that about me, and u know it feels great to be accepted and LIKED for who i am. Lauryl gives me hugz, pets me like a kitty, rests her head on my shoulder, and i'm just speechless. just lil stuff i need... i don't know, it makes me cry when i think about it, tears of joy. and u know, when the summer comes, i'm gonna cry cuz i'm gonna be sad not seeing her and my dance team