Memories Ch.2

Mar 24, 2012 20:55

Summary: G1 Au Memories are shifting, ephemeral things but still they can change everything. Skyfire shares his memories of Starscream with the Autobots and suddenly finds himself in competition over the seeker's affections

Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of bullying, attempted mutilation (Not self mutilation and it doesn't scar physically)

There was a sense of the passage of time, along with the feelings of frustration and determination, silver quick memories of confrontations in the lab, Starscream screeching that he worked best alone, or that he didn’t need a clumsy shuttle trying to steal his work, and the frustration began to win over the determination. A series of images, colleagues advising Skyfire that ‘The seeker would do him no good’, ‘The seeker didn’t deserve him as a partner’, ‘The seeker should go back to Vos with the rest of his kind’. Defeat swelled as Skyfire walked down the familiar corridor for what felt like the last time. Then, the door opened and, shock- Starscream with his back to him, dripping energon from a series of glyphs scratched into his wings- ‘GO BACK TO VOS SEEKER TRASH’.

Starscream was struggling to spread healing nanites over the wounds, and then he turned, horror and shame burning in his optics. Then, a series of images, what Skyfire had thought harmless pranks on an arrogant, insufferable scientist gaining a new and horrible meaning. The memory feed became disjointed with emotion. His hands, trembling, spreading the salve over the glyphs, watching them slowly fade, then, his hands, turning the small seeker and cradling him despite his protests. Slowly Starscream stopped fighting him, and simply trembled in his arms.

And as these scattered images and Skyfire’s feelings of confusion, understanding, anger, guilt and grief washed over him, Cliffjumper too, understood.

Again, the swift passage of time, Starscream’s uncertain smirk slowly brightening into a true smile. Oh how his optics danced when he teased Skyfire, how his wings would perk when he came into the lab, how his optics shone during intense scientific debates that went over everyone’s head except Perceptor, and Starscream’s giddy laugh when an experiment turned out better than they had expected. The pranks and snide words continued but Starscream quietly confided one day that they no longer bothered him as much now that he had found… a friend? Bumblebee heard the hesitance with which the seeker said friend, saw how his optics brightened when Skyfire confirmed that they were friends, and fell a little in love.

The two scientists went for their first flight together. Silverbolt tried not to feel envy over the ease with which Skyfire launched into the sky, and the joy he felt in the wind rushing over him, and the ease with which Starscream, in his lighter, faster form, danced around him. They finally landed on one of the tallest buildings thrusting in the air (Silverbolt and Bumblebee marveled over the height and size, both being too young to have known these buildings as more than ruins.) Skyfire turned to Starscream, seeing the regal, fierce joy glowing from his optics and body, and Silverbolt, too, fell a little in love.

The memory swirled away, to be replaced with another, on top of the same building. This time Starscream was looking to the night sky, hands stretched out to touch the few stars visible through the light shining from Cybertron’s cities. “I always swore that I was going to get off this miserable little planet. Away from all the pettiness and just lose myself in science, exploring, stretching the limits of my knowledge.” The seeker turned to face him, and Perceptor marveled that the passion for something so beautiful could fill a mech’s optics until it spilled out as ruby light. “I never thought that someone would come with me.” A slow smile spread his thin lips, “We’ve done it. We’re leaving in just a few days.”

Perceptor felt himself leaning forward and as the cool lips part under his own he too fell a little in love.

starscream/multiple, yaoi, transformers, fanfiction, memories

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