SciFi Big Bang

Jul 09, 2013 17:39

Sketches for Gekkoryu's entry. Whichever one is chosen I will paint with acryllics, and I'll do the leaves with paint cause they're a pain to draw.

This one is probably my least favorite. The birch surrounded by ash and elm. The bottom seems to have been cut off by LJ.

If this one is chosen it will be a bit bigger, with an elm and an ash tree surrounding Loki's birch, while he is climbing his tree. My scanner was being stupid so I couldn't quite get those in there. And... lj cut off the bottom.
Hm. He looks like a kid. That can be changed or not.

I liked this one best. Loki sitting against his birch tree with an ash behind them Flowers (I actually looked up some herbs for those) in front with grass and a brick? wall in the background. Clothes, hair, etc can be changed

scifi big bang, art

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