Still Here!

Apr 01, 2023 13:44

#WritingCommunity #IndependentAuthors

Although I don't seem to be posting as often as I would like....

Mentioned last time that Spokane Authors would be looking for a new place to meet.  Thought it great that we were meeting at a library, but apparently there was some conflict between us and another writing group.  Anyway, the folks a the particular library seemed to want us, but they got shot down by the overall city library system.  But we did find a new spot at one of the senior activity centers in town, and we have already signed uip for a meeting room for the next year.  Biggest problem is that we had to pay for it and also change the day of our meetings from the second Thursday to the second Friday of the month.  That was the only time they had a room available in the afternoon.

The place also does a number of Arts and Craft Fairs during the year, so that will be good for those SASP members who like to attend those events in order to sell books.  In fact I was able to get a booth at the last minute and spent my St. Patrick's Day there.  Even sold a few books and a couple photo prints of my paintings.  The following week end I joined with a couple of SASP members and rented a booth at a Craft Fair at one of the local high schools.  Did fairly well there, especially on Saturday.  Had a chance to use my newly acquired card reader for one fairly substancial purchase.

It should be common sense to realize most writers, as well as publishers, or self-publishing writers want to presesnt as perfect a book as they can to they buying public.  Still, there are those little errors and typos that escape all levels of scrutiny and editing.  So as I'm sitting at our booth on Sunday, with my three books stacked in front of me, and with the top most book of each stack standing vertically as a display, I'm  idly perusing the back cover of the first of the series.  Lo and behold if a typo didn't pop out at me.  "This Captain..." instead of "... his captain..."  We'll get that fixed in the near future.  If it were in the interior, doubt I'd worry about it, unless I were to find enough to make corrections worthwhile.  But to be on the exterior, where many folks will see it, even when casually looking or deciding to buy....  I guess the only thing to do is to correct it and move on.

Stormie recently decided to perch on a picture frame in the hall.  I think it's my certificate from passing though the Suez Canal back when I was in the Navy aboard USS Forrestal.
Take care and hopefully I'll be back with something in the near future.

#independentauthors, pets, #writingcommunity, spokane authors, self-publishing, thoughts on self-publishing

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