With the New Year

Jan 11, 2023 20:35

Looks like it was a false start back in November... I finally got around to posting.... after not being here since April.  Then I turn right around and go for another extended (although not quite as long) period of time.
Anyway, we've just gotten a new computer, so I'm going through and making sure I can get to all my accounts and the like.  Good thing I've written down my pass words as for once I need them... at least for the first time via the new computer.
Old cp was still operable but had slowed down some what, and supposedly this one is much faster.  At least I haven't seen any slowdowns like I was used to on the old one.  And I guess it has a great deal larger memory capacity.  It's one our daughter built, originally, I think for gaming.
As usually there will be a few hiccups as we get used to this one.... just because we are/I am so used to doing things a certain way and they don't quite work like this here. Did just figure out that we'll have to do something to get the scanner working again.  Has discs for loading it into the computer, but I don't think this one has a drive for the disk(s).  Will have to ask the kid about it, I guess.

Writing wise... in the next day or two I will be re-publislhing the first two books in the Stone Island Sea Story series.  A second edition of each, if you will.  Initially at least, I'll be going through Amazon Kindle Direct Press, much as I did with the third in the series a year or so ago.   Now all will be more or less the same and might even look like a series.  And to be honest, it is a lot cheaper process than working with the company I worked with originally.  Actually publishing with KDP is free.  The only expenses I've had have been working with an editor who also does my interior layout and design and helps me put the cover together.  And we seem to work well together, so I can call and say I'd like something this way, she'll try it and ask me how does it look.  And we live about a mile apart so we can connect in person if need be.  Anyway, she did all that for the third book, plus a full scale edit, and then did a final look edit on the first two, and I think I've paid her about what I paid just to ahve one of the earlier editions edited... not counting all the other odds and ends the company charged for.

To be fair, I have no problems with that company.  I think the product they provide is great and they do a trememdous job.... but in comparison they are expensive, so from here on out I'll be going a different route... via my friend and local fellow writer, and through Amazon... and eventually perhaps some other on line e-publishing facilities.

Finally, it's been a while since Coco has appeared on my Live Journal, so here he is.  Not sure when the pic was taken, but I'm thinking sometime last summer.  Anyway I'm hoping to get back to posting on a more regular basis. (Yeah, we've heard that before.) Maybe this time I'll actually get to it.

pets, writing progress, misc

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