#AmWriting #IndieAuthor #WritingCommunity
While I'm thinking of it, and so there isn't a large gap in the frequency of posting again, here is a bit more from Darnahsian Pirates: The Third
Stone Island Sea Story. This comes from Chapter Twelve, "Reunions."
My interpretation of a dragon tranport ship from the "His Majesty's Dragon" series by Naomi Novik
With the wind aft for most of the voyage, the time in route to Vespica was short. Three weeks and four days had passed when the lookout hailed, signaling land on the horizon. It took them two more days to sail north around the tip of Cape Stanislaus and south again to Brunswick. When the brig moored along the pier, Pierce noticed it was only yards away from where Island Expedition had been tied up while interned. He evidently manifested some sign of recognition, for Evangeline gripped his elbow firmly.
“Yes, dear, this brings back memories. We were moored just over there.”
“Bad memories, Edward.”
“For the most part, no. I didn’t realize I would react so strongly.”
“Let us be off, then,” said the doctor. “Before leaving, I arranged rooms at the Frosty Anchor. Humphreys has no doubt seen the ship and will ensure Lisa prepares our rooms.”
“You were assured of our coming?”
The doctor grinned. “Let’s say odds were in my favor. I thought the inn would provide accommodation while I make final arrangements to go to Father’s village.”
“I see,” said Pierce. “I seem to recall the place having a very good raised pie… as well as a fine ale on tap.”
“The very things a man would judge a public house by,” offered Evangeline. “What of the rooms? Are the beds clean and well cared for?”
“I stay there from time to time,” said the doctor. “I find no reason to complain.”
“I don’t know if that is a recommendation or not.
“Glenn Lewis, get down from there! Come with me! We’ll wait while Papa Ed rounds up our baggage.” Evangeline hustled the child down the brow and guided him to a place out of the way.
Hope you enjoyed it. I should point out that I'm taking these excerpts from my final edit before I had it edited, so there may be some slight changes in the final/published version.