Jun 02, 2006 17:48
Yeah, I haven't done a real update in a long time.
I'm very busy, and very tired.
I'm 90% done my car shopping, and am gonna go with a 2006 Cobalt LS 4 door, standard.
But it turns out it's hard as hell for me to get a qoute for insurance.
Why you ask? Because I only have my G2, I just haven't had time to get my G yet. So I booked an apointment for the 22nd.
I plan on buying the car by the end of the month.
The other reason it's hard for me to get insurance is the failure to stop ticket I have from Alberta.
Throw in that I am a 23year old male, it's gonna hit me in the wallet.
Stress is fun.
Works been busy as hell, we are understaffed, and in the busy season. I'm always running on empty. Sometimes you just need a drink. I get about 4 to 5 hours of sleep a day, and thats all I can manage.
Isn't life fun.