(no subject)

Jul 14, 2010 21:10

Funny stuff. The day after I do my Mikado wig/put a picture, I get my Judith wig.

Time to play I SPY in my room!!!

I am really picky when it comes to color and I was rather surprised when I saw just how frickin BLUE this thing was. I know like Judith's hair is a strange combination of purple and blue (it's more purple in-game but I'm going official ref art here) so I decided that perhaps a blue would be closer but jesus christ I wasn't expecting a highlighter. xD I could dye it but I just simply don't have the time.

It looks nicer and less plastic-y in real life, but y'know, webcam. :|

Either way, it may be really blue but the light blue extensions I got set it off nicely so it doesn't look so ridiculous. lol oh god. I hope the end results look okay. I hope I haven't raped your eyes.

In work-related news :O

So today was the exact middle day of work. Which is cool I guess, just means I have to sit through the same amount of time. But my boss-guy-type-person sat all us interns down and was like WHAT ARE YOU LEARNING. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU LEARN HERE. Then he gave us a little presentation about how to be like successful in a work environment.

Well... what I've learned is that I feel like an office-type setting really isn't for me. It's too monotonous. It feels claustrophobic. It's draining and tiring. The stuff you have to be successful (according to mr. experienced boss-guy-type-person) is everything opposite I feel comfortable doing. It's just so... not the way I intend to live my life.

So I don't know. That kinda scratches off a lot of things considering offices is where ~big money~ is made and I really refuse to give up myself and my lifestyle and beliefs to do that.

cosplay, judith, pictures, wig, work

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