(no subject)

Apr 05, 2010 02:10

It's strange not having to be concerned with time at all. I just kind of do things when I feel like them and whatnot, and I take my time. I feel like I'm in limbo. Seriously, I didn't even realize it was past midnight until Alex mentioned it. And I looked at my watch like... twice today. Buuut when I wake up later today I'm gonna have to move back into my actual dorm (I'm in the hostel now) and resume time-consuming life. Awwww.

Oh right, and I read over my acceptance letter to IES properly this time, and basically it said that while my acceptance to Nagoya is up in the air, I have a guaranteed spot in the Tokyo program if it doesn't work out. Which is good, I guess. I have to ask if it will just be for the fall or for the entire year. Year is good. We want that.

And now for a meme I stole from the_big_duck :o

- Available: Why yes, I am! And probably will be for a very long time. (also you can reach me in the evenings any day of the week except usually Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays)

- Age: 19

- Annoyance: Almost everything

- Allergic: None, I don't think

- Animal: horses

- Actor: ???

- Beer: Nah

- Birthday/Birthplace: October 9th, 1990 / Arlington, VA

- Best Friends: It does not have best friends-slash-it does not like the term best friends

- Body Part on opposite sex: haaaair

- Best feeling in the world: Having nothing to worry about.

- Blind or Deaf: My sense of taste :Db

- Best weather: Around high 70s/low 80s, low humidity, sunny

- Been in Love: This is an interesting question. How can we even know what love is? Do we really know what being in love is like? For now, I'll just say no.

- Been bitched out?: Of course

- Been on stage?: Yep

- Believe in yourself?: Why not?

- Believe in life on other planets: why not

- Believe in miracles: I don't know

- Believe in Magic: Dunno

- Believe in God: Like Becca said, there's really no evidence any way or another, so I can't really say.

- Believe in Satan: See above

- Believe in Santa: I believe in chubby, jolly Finnish people :Db

- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: There are a great deal of things that can't be explained, so probably.

- Believe in Evolution: Yes, nothing just appears

- Car: Don't have my own but I can drive

- Candy: nomnomnom

- Colour: purple, but recently I've started liking dull greens and browns, mostly cause they turn my eyes green :Db

- Cried in school: Elementary school?

- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate

- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese food!

- Cake or pie: Cake, I no like pie :(

- Countries to visit: China, S. Korea (no seriously I BELONG THERE kinda first I gotta learn Korean), Singapore, the Philippines, Bhutan, Greece, Italy, the UK, Ireland... should I keep going?

- Day or Night: Night

- Dream vehicle: something that gets from point A to point B and will play my music

- Danced: I can, but not very good at it

- Dance in the rain?: No

- Dance in the middle of the street?: Probably as I walk

- Do the splits?: When I was a young'n

- Eggs: nomnomnom

- Eyes: Hazel

- Everyone has: cells

- Ever failed a class?: Ooh, does getting an E (or an F, for you people with school districts who don't know their alphabets) in 3rd quarter in 10th grade in AP modern European history count? :D

- First crush: What was his name, Mac? In like preschool. Yeah. Look at me go.

- Full name: Jasmine Alana "BAMF" Bernhardt

- First thoughts waking up: wkeafjwkjfqpwjfafwlefjpkljlz


- Greatest Fear: Dying when I personally am not ready, makes me pee my pants yo

- Giver or taker: Let's be honest, I'm a mooch. I try to pay back but usually I forget/am lazy

- Goals: Go to Asia land

- Gum: 5!

- Get along with your parents?: Yep

- Good luck charms: none

- Hair Colour: Auburn ish

- Height: 5'2 (around 157cm ish)

- Happy: Depends

- Holidays: My birthday :B

- How do you want to die: when I'm ooooold

- Health freak?: I don't think so?

- Hate: I don't really hate, but I think I do some things but I can't remember them now

(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: I like blue

- Hair Colour: Dark. Like black and dark brown is good, but even a deep red would be nice because I'm a sucker for red hair

- Height: Taller than me but not obnoxiously tall :( It wold be inconvenient to be unable to properly reach your significant other

- Clothing Style: Relaxed but not messy, and I also like things that are slimming. Like it bothers me seeing people walk around in sweatpants and uggs and tshirts all the time. It's unflattering and gross.

- Characteristics: Good sense of humor. Yeeeeeees.

- Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip :D

- Instrument: I play violin

- Jewelry: I have hairties on my wrists, along with a blessing from a monk I received last time I was home. Also, a watch. Sometimes I have a purdy purple necklace I got at costume con

- Job: I should be getting one this summer, but the paperwork is kicking my ass

- Kids: There is a certain age when they are cute and bearable, but then they become annoying and by the time they're bearable again, they're not kids anymore. I should consider boarding school if I have my own. :|a

- Kickboxing or karate: Karate


- Longest Car Ride: From my house to Canada, consecutively I think. On a bus was 12 or so hours to Georgia. Ewwww.

- Love: hearts;?

- Letter: I got one from the Tsuchiyas recently. I haven't been able to check my mailbox recently cos campus is closed.

- Laughed so hard you cried: Not to my memory

- Love at first sight: Nope

- Milk flavour: I like skim

- Movie: Not much of a movie fan

- Mooned anyone?: Hopefully not

- Marriage: Only if I feel it is the appropriate solution

- Motion sickness?: No

- McD's or BK: Well McDonald's has tasty salty fries and mcflurries

- Number of Siblings: None by blood

- Number of Piercings: none

- Number: 14!

- Overused Phrases: "That's hilarious"

- One wish: I dunno

- One phobia: water :(

- Place you'd like to live: Tokyo or Chicago

- Pepsi/Coke: Hi I like tea

- Quail: Wow I read this as "Qunari"

- Questionnaires: I like talking about myself so yes

- Reason to cry: Don't have one

- Reality T.V.: No tanks

- Radio Station: nonon

- Roll your tongue in a circle?: I can

- Song: 2NE1's new song.

- Shoe size: 7ish, usually


- Skipped school: a few times

- Slept outside: in a tent? yeah

- Seen a dead body?: at a funeral

- Smoked?: no

- Skinny dipped?: no

- Shower daily?: yes. Without it, to quote Judith "I would just die!"

- Sing well?: I like to pretend I do but I actually don't

- In the shower?: Well I live in a dorm and I have realized that the walls in my house are pretty thin so I don't as much as I used to

- Swear?: When I play video games. It's actually kinda funny

- Stuffed Animals?: Appa :D

- Single/Group dates: I have pretty much done neither so no comment

- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries, in small quantities

- Scientists need to invent: Teleportation device

- Time for bed: Whenever I fall asleep?

- Thunderstorms: Are freakin AWESOME

- Touch your tongue to your nose?: no

- Unpredictable: Ooh wouldn't that be fun

- Under the influence?: No

- Understanding?: Moreso than people think. I can be pretty observant

- Vegetable you hate: Things I don't like

- Vegetable you love: nomnomnom

- Vacation spot: Tokyoooo

- Weakness: I do not pack a punch, I am also ticklish

- When you grow up: I dunno, let's see where things take me

- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Alex, probably. We are attached and share the same brain wave

- Who makes you laugh the most: Alistair I do, actually! Man I am so funny

- Worst feeling: Being let down, so I avoid it by not having expectations

- Wanted to be a model?: No

- Where do we go when we die: We'll find out eventually, no need to worry about that one right now

- Worst weather: Too hot and incredibly dry, too cold and incredibly dry. I am realizing that humidity is not all that bad. Minnesota taught me that I cannot stand dry weather

- Walk with a book on your head?: I can do it

- X-Rays: For my teeth and stuff

-Year it is now: 2010

-Yellow: nomnomnom

- Zoo animal: zebra!

- Zodiac sign: Libra horse

meme, life

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