(no subject)

Dec 25, 2009 18:18

It's raining and it's gross.

My most amusing present was this really adorable notebook that my mom got me. It's not your conventional like, here are some blank pages with lines on them have fun writing, but it has pictures on all of them, and every page is different. So you get to write around the pictures and it doesn't bind you to writing in straight lines I LOVE IT. I also got Sims 3 expansion pack. I didn't play much of what you can actually do with the stuff in the expansion pack, I continued my 'dating sim'. ...More on that later.

Anyway. I've been tagged. :|a

Once you are tagged you must post this in your journal and list 6 of your weirdest habits/tendencies/facts about you. They can be serious, silly, ridiculous - whatever! Then tag six more people at the end.

  1. Uhhh I know most people know this already, but I think it's important for most people to know. :| I am slightly hydrophobic and it drives me up the wall. I can't stand any sort of water that doesn't involve bathing or washing or cleaning myself. Like sprinklers, the rain, puddles, water balloons, hoses, you name it. Luckily I'm pretty good at avoiding it but that one time we were going clubbing and it was raining and we got lost.... :| I was THIS close to a breakdown. urhgughrhru UGH
  2. I eat food in the order from what looks like the least tastiest to most tasty. But usually by the time I get to the food I named the tastiest I am full :(
  3. What I really want to do is go to Tokyo on my own time and schedule and just get lost in the city. IT SOUNDS LIKE SO MUCH FUN.
  4. A lot of the time I try to be as polite or as nice as possible, and compliant and always :)ing and so on. Most of the time, I'm being sincere. The other half of the time, I'm out to get you. I don't know why this is. But I think you would call this 'yangire.'
  5. Usually my train of thought in my head is just as loud as everyone around me. So if you're having a conversation with me, and I suddenly mention something seemingly unrelated, well... it made sense in my head, really.
  6. I can sleep anywhere at anytime. IT'S AWESOME.

I tag demonicfangs, kaiyashe, the_big_duck, writing_lovely, lady_arieta, and whydeevee (and no Bryan, you cannot put this on facebook you must actually update your LJ).


meme, christmas, sims

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