
Dec 19, 2009 23:40

Rarely do I ever use this Karol icon anymore. But it's time like this that require it. :|

So, my flight tomorrow was cancelled. NO THANKS, STUPID STORM IN THE EAST COAST. Instead of getting home at like 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, I'm getting home like 11:45 on Monday night. Yeah, and leaving here at 3ish. So basically, from Minneapolis I'm going to Milwaukee, then going to Detroit, THEN DC. FUCK. THIS IS WHY I HATE PLANES. AND DC WEATHER. SO ANGRY AGHHHHHH JASMINE SMAAAAASH

And my RO server is closing because of some stupid hack. Deleted a month's worth of backup files so they're remaking a totally new server. AGH, this is a 10/10/10 server, and the farthest I've ever gotten on a lowrate. Freakin like... 86/54. :( The thing that makes me ok about it, is the fact that our guild is sticking together for the most part. I love my guild :( ♥

Oh, and the pretty clouds on my LJ... are now SORRY BANDWIDTH EXCEEDED pictures. Eff this. It was so nice looking too. Just as I find a layout I absolutely adore. So it's going back to something plain until I can find another one. :|

Well, this gives me more time to play on Luceti. Wheee 4th wall event. PS I play Shing there. You should totally like. Bother him (I KNOW THERE ARE YOU HEARTS PEOPLE OUT THERE...)

Oh today I saw Princess and the Frog. It was really cute :D I loooove jazz. And that old crazy lady SHE WAS AWESOME AND MY FAVORITE. HAHAHA

Okay well. I have an entire day to kill tomorrow and ugh. I am so angry about this flight business so angry, so effin PISSED. I'm going to be really miserable on Monday.

rp, i'm pissed, i hate planes, i'm angry, asdfjkl, movie, lj, ragnarok online

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