(no subject)

Dec 18, 2009 16:43


So there is supposed to be a major snowstorm back home this weekend. And there is supposed to be over a foot of snow.

WTF? I know it's going to happen on Saturday, and I fly home Sunday and DC snow melts really fast thanks to ADD weather, but seriously what's up with that. Even if snow there DOES melt really fast, people there have no idea what to do with snow when it falls except cancel everything. uuuugh

And I have to write this paper still. I can't write papers. I CANNOT. I suck at them and I'm still amazed when I get like an 8 or a 9 out of 10 when I BS some of them. WHY CAN'T I JUST WRITE YOU A STORY ABOUT VIETNAMESE PEOPLE. THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER AND AS A BONUS I WOULD WRITE DIALOGUE IN VIETNAMESE ACCENT. Please omg

Oh today it's like 25° outside and all I'm just wearing is a sweater. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man I felt so cool like not cold but awesome

Omgad I'm typing out loud

So lately I've been lurking around on pixiv and I'm finding pretty pictures. I saved a lot. Yeahahahahehaeheh

i hate papers, wtf, i'm angry, grr, life, asdfjkl, snow, capslock, poop

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