
Dec 08, 2009 18:12

It's snoooowing a lot! It's been snowing all day. Apparently we're supposed to get 9 inches. This is exciting. It's good sledding snow...says my friend from Cali wat what does she know about snow

Today was the first day in a while where I could take a nap. It was nice. Yay.

And I was being a loser on nico because I go there when I'm bored. And I was looking at Darker than stuff and I found this

See that? Up there? The only phrase without a bajillion wwwww's after it? Yes. That says "Guy Cecil." ...only NOT. That's Kurosawa Guy, gais :( wrong fandom

I have orchestra in like 40 minutes and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do I'M BORED.

snow, tales, ニコ動画見すぎ, darker than black

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