A few things.

Nov 12, 2009 20:51

  1. I changed my LJ layout. I know I just changed it but... a few days ago I looked at it and was like. Wow. All this black is depressing D: So now whenever I see it, even on a rainy day, I can be like IT'S SUNNY OUTSIDE!! But even if it isn't.
  2. I figured out why I want to go home. I never really felt like "MAN I wanna go home now" in Japan because I was surrounded by concrete, impersonal city people, street lights and night life. But here, I look out beyond the campus at nighttime and all I see is black. Basically, I just miss the city. :(
  3. I watched episode six of DtB2. All I can say is, ATTA BOY, HEI! I'm proud of you. That's a step in the right direction god.
  4. Black Friday cosplay shenanigans this year will be DtB. OHHH YEAH
  5. I DUNNO

I have to work at NaNo tonight. Things are finally falling into place plot-wise. YEEESSS

lj, list, nanowrimo, life, darker than black

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