(no subject)

Aug 17, 2009 23:07

My own laptop is GET!!!

It's a mac, so I don't have RO on it (yet). This will be fixed shortly.

So I caught up in watching Eureka (as in, like the last 4 episodes of season 1 and all of season 2; I can't find the first part of S1 ANYWHERE Dx) and that has been an adventure. I might just end up watching the first half of S3 only cos it aired like a year ago and hell if I remember anything. 8U

UHHHHH pff. I think I'm gonna go ahead and read up on Luceti. I'M REALLY BAD AT THIS. I think I need to replay parts of Innocence cos I'm losing Iria's voice. DURR.

ro, rp, computer, tales, eureka

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