(no subject)

May 28, 2009 12:20

So like. Remember how I was complaining that I was too underleveled to fight Cal and co.? Yeah. I lied. I decided to level my Soma instead and

They were gone within a minute and I didn't even use a life bottle I swear Cal had whipped Innes' ass too

Anyway. Then there was that part where Cal is with your party for about 30 seconds (doesn't fight like with Flynn though ;_;) and he came up in a skit. I died when there was him and Hisui smirking at Shing idk why but I died

I like Chalcedony now ok he's not a douche anymore I think

Then the first party betrayal. I didn't know about this beforehand but I definitely saw it coming. Some people aren't very good at keeping secrets :/ Now I've got all the Spirune except love and URG I would have gotten it last night but I started falling asleep around 4. ...

And. I kind of want to RP someone. 8Db why yes I am thinking about this already I've narrowed it down to Shing, Hisui, Chalcedony, and Kohaku. Shing because the schizo would be epic in an Emil sense and he is quite frankly the champion of justice speeches and playing a pure idiot would be amazing. Hisui because he is Hisui and I've played nice looking men with sister complexes before. Chal because lol. And Kohaku also because lol due to missing personality parts also more schizo. ...I'm sort of leaning toward Shing but I DUNNO

this entry wasn't something to waste my time before class really

rp, hearts, hahaha

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