(no subject)

May 06, 2009 01:44

Quick post before I sleep.

Soooo, Japanese ended today. I've got an AP test this Thursday, a book to read for Kelli, and... that's it? Besides my senior project (hell, I doubt I will end up considering that work xD;), it's like I'm pretty much done! HAHAH omg

Bizarre fact: There's someone from Hawaii going to Gustavus. Hawaii. I doubt this person has ever seen snow before. So why.......

Anyway, my costume count for Otakon totals to 6. Lol am I out of my mind. Here's the plan:
- Sakuya [medium]
- Yuri Lowell [already done]
- sekrit [lol i am nuts]
- Luke (not Asch, not Luke, but Luke) [relatively easy]
- Hisui hots (trufax: his real name) [relatively easy]
- Tank top lover [halfway done]
- Hei is a maybe [already done]
in rough order of when I'm going to wear them. Fun fact: Everyone has black hair except Luke. ODD ONE OUT!!!!

Speaking of Lukes, I've been kind of putzing around Abyss fandom-type stuff since my xbox has failed to work properly. ...and I've been reminded how much this game depresses me FUCK

Thanks to Alex for cutting

idk if any of you knew what my hair looked like before, but it was long, and blunt cut and my bangs were getting reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally long so

Also this hairstyle totally isn't in the interest of cosplay really

Yeaaah it's bedtime now one class tomorrow whopeee

hair, school, luke, abyss, pictures, otakon, life

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