I love this icon.

Mar 03, 2009 13:39

I also need to stop posting all the time. :/ But I am busy and I need my to-do list.

A: Make up work--worksheets, lab, BRIDGE PROJECT turn everything in by at least Friday at the latest
B: Mini-essay, read lots of book... by Friday
C: Sonnets pff
D: Concert tonight, Districts on Saturday--tell parents about Yucan bday plans!!!
E/ind study: TALK TO ELLY ASAP
F/G: n/a
H: Print out pictures, turn them in, ALEX I NEED THOSE UNRESIZED PICTURES
Jazz: idk
Japanese: WIMBAAAAAAAAAAAA, worksheets by THURSDAY
J/J: lesson Wednesday, write lesson sheet
THC: Fabric shopping with Elizabeth Thursday? Drafting hhhhhhhhhhhh

I don't know what to do when...

OH LOL also
Poly: app


asdfjkl, things to do

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