(no subject)

Jan 27, 2009 01:33

I'm really bored

「乗車権」 "Passenger Ticket" bump of chicken排気ガスを吐いて 腹ぺこのバスが来る
夢の先に連れてってくれんだ どうだろう

強く望む事を 書いた紙があれば
それがそのまま 乗車券として 使えるらしい 使えるらしいんだ

我先に群がり 行列出来上がり
ぎらぎらの目 友達も皆 どうしよう

強く望む事か 適当でもいいか
取り敢えずは 乗車券の替わり

どけ そこどけ 乗り遅れるだろう 人数制限何人だ
嘘だろう これを逃したら いつになる

あぁ ちょっと待ってくれ 俺を先に乗せてくれ
なぁ どうせ大層な 望みでもないだろう

鈍い音で吠えて 食い過ぎたバスが出る
泣き落としで 順番譲る馬鹿がいた

運ばれて数時間 乗り継ぎがあるらしい
次の便は 夜が来たら 出るらしい

あれ ここに無い でも こっちにも無い なんで乗車券が無い
予定外 見付からないまま 日が落ちる

あぁ ちょっと待ってくれ 俺もそれに乗せてくれ
おい そこの空席に 鞄 置いてんじゃねえ

違う これじゃない これでもない 違う
人間証明書が無い 予定外 俺が居ない
やばい 忍び込め

あぁ ちょっと待ってくれ やはりここで降ろしてくれ
なぁ こんな人生は望んじゃいない 望んでたのは−−−・・・

あぁ 見逃してくれ 解らないまま乗ってたんだ
俺一人 降ろす為 止まってくれる筈もねえ

強く望む事が 欲しいと望んだよ
夢の先なんて 見たくもないからI breathe in gas fumes, and an empty bus comes
It didn't take me before the dream, I wonder how (?)

If the things you crave are written on a paper
Just like that, apparently you can use it as a passenger ticket

Gathering to be first, the line is finished
With sparkling eyes, friends, everyone wants to know what to do

The things I crave, or anything I feel like?
Just for now I'll use this as my ticket

Move, get out of the way, I'll miss the bus; what is the max. people capacity here?? (...)
This has to be a lie, when will I get out of here?

Ah wait for me, let me get on first
Hey, it's not an exaggerated desire at all

With a deep bellow, a crammed bus leaves
In tears, there was an idiot who gave up order

A few hours pass, there should be a connecting ride
The next one should come when night arrives

Huh? It's not here, and not here either, why is my ticket not here?
Unexpectedly, without finding it night falls

Ah wait for me, let me ride that too
Hey don't leave your bag in the open seat

No, it's not this, not this either, no
My proof of existence isn't here, unexpectedly I'm not here
This is bad, I'll sneak in

Ah wait for me, let me get off here after all
Hey, I didn't wish for this life, what I wished for was...

Ah overlook me, and without being discovered I rode
There is no way it'll stop just to let me off

I wished for the things I strongly crave
Because I don't want to see before the dream

Jeez I know what they're trying to say but Bump's songs are so impossibly hard to translate to English...

「太陽のナミダ」 Tears of the Sun NEWS眠れぬ夜 寝返りをうつ
聞こえてくるのは たぶん雨の音

このまま果たせない夢 追うだけ?
傘も持たず 君のいる場所に

※ギラギラ太陽 この空どこかで
身を潜め 探してる 燃え切れないハートを
地上で僕ら ジリジリしながら
燃え上がる 日が来るの 待ち続けていた
Ah… まだやまない雨

止まりそうな 時計の針
聞こえてくるのは たぶん雨の音

このままここで 待ち続けるのかい?
傘を捨てて 君のいる場所へ

ギラギラ太陽 この世のすべてを
捜しだし 焼き尽くせと 待ちかまえている
地上で僕ら 気づかぬふりして
剥き出しの 欲望を 隠そうとしてた
Ah… 降り続く雨

ギラギラ太陽 この空どこかで
身を潜め 探してる 燃え切れないハートを
地上で僕ら ジリジリしながら
燃え上がる 日が来るの 待ち続けていた
Ah… まだやまない雨
太陽のナミダIn a night I can't sleep, I destroy betrayal
And for a brief moment I dreamt
What I hear is probably the sound of the rain

At this rate should I just chase a dream I can't fulfill?
If that's it then it won't help anything
If I want to realize something between us
I'll get out of here as soon as I can
And without an umbrella, I will go to where you are

The sparkling sun, somewhere in this sky
Hides itself, looking for a burning, unbreakable heart
On this earth, while we run out of patience
Burning up, continued to wait for the day to come
Ah... the rain won't stop
Tears of the sun

At the hands of the clock that seem will stop
I stare with groggy eyes
What I hear is probably the sound of the rain

Can I continue waiting like this?
If that's it then nothing will change
For me to do something for myself
I'll leave this town as soon as I can
I throw away my umbrella, and go to where you are

The sparkling sun, all of this world
Searches, burns and lies in wait
On this earth, pretending not to notice
We tried to hide our desire for forwardness
Ah... the rain continues to fall
Tears of the sun

The sparkling sun, somewhere in this sky
Hides itself, looking for a burning, unbreakable heart
On this earth, while we run out of patience
Burning up, continued to wait for the day to come
Ah... the rain won't stop
Tears of the sun

Idk there's mistakes everywhere but I am too bored to care

Ok my boredom is spent bye

日本語, news, this entry is boring don't read it, translation, bump

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