Dec 17, 2008 23:39
...I asked my dad for round-trip tickets to Japan in March for Christmas.
Seriously, screw like any other material object that I could possibly get. If that's all I ended up getting I would be so happy D: I need to see Hiroko before she leaves I SWEAR TO GOD WHY AUSTRALIA
Speaking of, anyone know the country code for Japan? I plan on making a very expensive phone call tomorrow night |D
I also want to stop by Daido and be like, hey... you know you wanna let me have that school uniform. lolol
uhhhhh oh. I have a test tomorrow but I'm so ready for break it's like I don't care :| Which is bad, considering it's Elly but.. just not feeling it
I need to buy presents for people. And write the Tsuchiyas a letter and presents because I SWEAR alghsdklfj