(no subject)

Sep 19, 2008 23:21

...And so many MORE new friends. I'm sorry guys I don't exactly remember your names, BUT HELLO, AND IT IS VERY NICE TO MEET YOU!!! I don't have a fancy intro post, but whatever you wanna know, just ask.

So so today is my mommy's bday right, and we got her Wii Fit for her! It's actually kind of addicting and a lot of fun, HAHA. At the beginning though they have this weight thingy and BMI thingy at the beginning. I'm... almost almost categorized as underweight and I weigh 100 pounds exactly. My dad's like.. yeah. GO EAT SOMETHING. :ooofjsdklfj And my wii fit age is 27. NOT BAD AGE

Ummm so, YUCAN AGREED TO BE FUUKA FOR KATSUCON. ALKDJFKD she's going to be so cute lol. Ignoring the fact that she's like... taller than all of us.

And tomorrow I have an SAT prep thingy at like 9 and it's four hours long what the poop then we're having my mom's birthday lunch thingy then I'm going to Olivia's for the rest of the day/night and work on costumes together 8Db I did do some of my Yuri costume but it's a bit messy looking now... I'll put pictures later when it looks decent and stuff

UHHH okay done for now

cosplay, family, life

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