(no subject)

Jul 20, 2008 23:18

OKAY okay

So lots and lots of love out to demonicfangs for letting me rope her into something she's now going "WHAT THE HELL, I JUST SOLD MY SOUL!!" about 8D ilubb

Anyway. ...omg

OKAY okay so. I'm more coherent now. :D But since the damn thing was two hours long, I can't remember what order everything went in so I'll just do what I did last time and go by character.

Aang - WOWOWOWOW he grew up. :< I remember back in good ol' season 1, he was the one who wanted to take every detour to ride animals, play games, was totally unsure about his duties as the Avatar.. OHHH and you went through puberty too, bb. :< We've seen you with hair, without clothes... oh boy. But I was really, really impressed of how he handled Ozai. If that's the power of a fully realized Avatar then that is fucking SCARY. And, I loved his little statue of Appa. :D When he woke up out of his sleep and kind of wandered over to that magical turtle? That was really creepy. But he got to ride on the magical turtle, and not only that! Got wisdom from it. I'LL BET KRATTY IS JEALOUS.

Katara - So. I went from liking her, to loving her, to gradually thinking she was a bitch. She was the one I first wanted to cosplay, first cosplayed and........ yeah. But seriously, she musta been pregnant or something during this season because her attitude made me go, "oookay, bitch." Anyway, the way she took down Azula was really amazing, and I applaud her on that. The outfit she was wearing there at the very ending was absolutely gorgeous. I was so tempted to get out my Katara wig that I never styled and style it that way, but I was too lazy HAHA. PS she can surf

Sokka - OH. SOKKA. SOKKA. MY BABY. You are the one that kept me watching in the first place. You're so hot and sexy. And funny. And smart. And everything I could EVER want in a man. I wish you were real so I could marry you and create beautiful babies with you. :< uhhh ANYWAY. You were amazing, as usual. ♥ I loved your his (okay gotta stop talking TO him xD) plan to take out the airships. I loved his sand sculpture of Suki. I loved his jokes. and and broken leg. D: noooo At the end, when he was painting everyone, LOL. "Why am I firebending?" "Because it looks cooler!" ilu

Toph - Iron Toph was fucking amazing. I have absolutely no words for you, except KEEP BEING AWESOME. MELON LORD. LOL. I ... still wish I was related to you but WOE I am not as amazing. I had a permanent D8 face when she almost fell off the airship. oh god. Also, field trip with Zuko made me laugh. THAT WAS SO CUTE

Zuko - I'm... so. So proud of him. I went from not caring, hating, respecting, liking, hating again, respecting, liking, to going awww :D whenever he did something awkward. I'm so glad he took the throne at the end there, I'm sure he's going to make a great Fire Lord ♥ He went a little crazy at the beginning there, haha, but at least he had reasons. HE MADE HIMSELF USEFUL. And I was so touched when he reunited with Iroh. :< And his fight with Azula was kind of epic. wowowow

Iroh - Okay seriously. Who doesn't like him? I just wish he had a bigger role than giving out wisdom, hangin out at old people camp and reopening the Jasmine Dragon (THOUGH I HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THIS.). His bending was awesome. I'm so glad he took Ba Sing Se. MAYBE HE CAN BECOME EARTH KING. Then Aang'd have good relations all around and they could all work towards world peace yay :D

Ozai - is fucking nuts. Nuff said. Though in my mind I kept wanting to call his Phoenix Lord the Penis Lord. lol oops. Though, I think that taking away his bending and having him thrown in jail is a far worse punishment than being put to death. He has to sit in a cold cellar, all alone, thinking about...what? Most likely how he was just on the brink on becoming the absolute most powerful person in the entire world when everything was stripped from him. Almost literally, he burnt his own clothes lol. Also, do rockets run in the family? Sure looks like it.

Azula - I used to absolutely hate her but she almost automatically became a favorite after the season 2 finale. xD I have to admit that it really made me sad as she was deteriorating. Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal really did a number on her, to the point she was so paranoid that she was firing everyone left and right. D: Her and Ursa's mirror scene was really creepy, too. Just, wow. She went nuts and met her end... she used to be so composed and cool and just lskdfjaslkdf. D: I'll miss her.

Mai + Ty Lee - lol. Mai will probably marry Zuko, derp. Ty Lee? She totally took me by surprise and I laughed. So like her. I'm surprised they didn't have a bigger role, but oh well.

The old people - WHITE LOTUS YAY. I was surprised to see Jeong Jeong. HE HAD ROCKETS TOO, WHAT IS WITH THESE FIREBENDERS.

And I was so happy to see everyone at the end, there. :D BIG REUNION, it was so touching. Aang and Zuko hug yay. alsflajdf And the little tea shop scene at the end, it was perfect. omg omg I can't believe it's over why :<

Also, one thing. THE MUSIC. It was seriously perfect. Spot on. Honestly, they couldn't have done a better job. The creepy chanting, and especially the music during the fight between Zuko and Azula... holy crap. Just. Wow. I don't think anything's soundtrack has wowed me so much before. Yeah. Nothing.

Just one more subject I don't speak of too often... shipping. Lol, Kataang wins. Okay. I can deal with that. :D Actually, I'm not sure if it would have worked out any other way. For a split second I was like YAY, ZUKOxTOPH OTP but then Mai came back so I was like lolok. AND SOKKA/SUKI. MY ETERNAL LOVE. So beautiful. sniff.

And then the one question everyone's asking... WHERE'S URSA????????

I would also like to thank whydeevee to introducing me to this and kawaii_presea for getting into it with me. :D MUCH MUCH LOVE

rachael, asdfjkl, omg, bryan, avatar, alex

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