Mead Batch Notes

Mar 24, 2007 11:11

Just some notes to myself where I know I won't lose them and can comment as the batch reaches drinkable ages.

2.2 kg fresh strawberries (5lbs)
4.5 kg white honey (10lbs)
60g ground peeled ginger root (2oz)
1tsp yeast nutrient
1 package Lalvin EC-1118 yeast
16L spring water

Specific gravity: 1.064
Xfer to Secondary: 1.040
Bottled at .990

Started Primary 3/24/07-morning
Transfered to secondary 3/31/07 - Used a 4.5gal US Secondary, everything fit nicely.
Racked 4/23/07
Bottled 9/27/07

Ok, tested this the first time around Christmas, and quite tasty.

I used 1/2 tsp priming sugar per bottle, and it was far too low. There's next to no carbonation in this batch at all. Will up next batch to 1 tsp per bottle when the time comes.

batch 1, mead

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