Got this from
lucent_world :D
You're a Dialogue/Character Writer!
What kind of writer are you? brought to you by
Quizilla That's funny. I'm not much of a writer, and when I do write, my stories always revolve around my characters and the plots is just a silly plot devices :3. I tend to like stories that are more character involved, anyway ^^;. (Like X(X/1999) for example...).
Gawd...I feel like crap. (Yes, another "angst" post...).
Basically, I'm so tired of my parents (just my Mom, actually) treating me like I'm still a child. I'm 20, for crying out loud, let me live like an adult for once. Granted, I still live in their house, and they still pay for the majority of the things I own (except for cloths, and my laptop). So, I feel obligated to comply with their rules, but please, a bit of freedom would be nice.
*Sigh*. Hell, I may just transfer to a college out of state just to be able to do things that most 20 year-olds can do with out a problem. I'm not talking about anything risque, here. It's just the basic things that a person my age should be able to do without any problems.
*Sigh again*. Well, I guess since I act like an immature teenager half the time, they figure that I'm not ready to be an adult or something >>;
I don't know...
Well, that's one of a few reasons why I couldn't sleep well last night. I was so aggravated that I couldn't get to sleep till sometime past 2:00am (last time I looked at the clock....). One of the others was there was a movie called Valmont. As soon as I figured out it stared Colin Firth, I had to watch it. It earned every bit of it's R rating o.o;;. It took place in France in the 1700's (1790-ish, I think...) and the story's main character was supposed to be Valmont, but I think it was really the red-headed whorebag that Annette Benning stared as :P. Seriously, that woman was a ho! Well, anyway, by time the movie ended, I just sat there thinking "Wow, that was fucked up. Just like real life!" :P
The only thing good about it was Colin Firth. The only roles I've seen him in so far have been in Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones's Diary. And, his character in both, was Darcy, a very straight-laced guy that never spoke or smiled. His character in Valmount was a playboy and manwhore. He'd have sex with anyone that appeared to be a woman o.o;;. I think there was aleast 5 scenes that was implied that he had sex with someone x.x;. But, his smile, my lord, that heart-melting smile! If only I had a man that could smile like that, and smile at me, and only for me! I'd be in heaven *_*
*Sigh* Me and my silly pipe dreams :P
*Sigh* Well, the other reason is that I was supposed to talk with someone, but I didn't get a chance to and made me upset 'cause I told him I was gonna talk to him and I felt really bad u.u;;.
The best quotes out of the movie were:
Valmont: "Do you think a man can change?"
Whorebag: "Yes, but for the worse."
Valmont: "You confuse marriage and bets. One must always keep their bets."
Here, here! Valmont!
Wow, what a twisted world we live in...
EDIT: If you wanna know more about Valmont, go