Finally, our long national nightmare can begin to come to an end... I can only hope that President Obama (man, I love the sound of that!) can end the politics of fear and divisiveness that Bush/Cheney/Rove have foisted upon this country. I feel like yesterday was a national catharsis on many levels. We have not only repudiated baseless fear mongering, but have also begun to move on from a whole cultural era - the era of the backlash against the social revolution of the 60's. With the loss of McCain, we can finally put the Vietnam era cultural battles behind us, and look forward to the world we live in today. No, rascism isn't gone, not by a long shot - nor is bigotry, fear, and hatred... but I feel like this country has finally woken up from being in the throes of those emotions, and decided that enough was enough. We are better than that.
I am really looking forward to having a President that can inspire us. One that treasures competence. One that has an intellect, and uses it. A President that does not instintively opt for the easy, low road. Our problems are too great. The solutions too hard. We, as a nation were at a crossroads, and we chose the correct path.
The only dark side to yesterday is the knowledge that proposition 8 has likely passed, taking away the right of gays to marry in California. It is disheartening to see that even in the midst of the optimism, something like this can pass... It only shows us that we have to work harder. Obama begins the turning of a page in our history. Away from the last 30 years of politics... but prop 8 is an indication that the forces of fear and divisive "wege issues" are not not totally defeated. I feel confident that when this comes up for a vote again, and it will, we'll win this battle too. Civil rights struggles are long and hard, but last night is evidence that we'll get there.
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