Sigh. I finally started getting better at managing Adam-time...and promptly filled that time right back up.
-My biggest thing has been deciding what to do about school/career. I've decided to go to law school! So I've been choosing schools and working on the LSAT and deciding whether to go in 2010 or 2011. Deciding to go to law school at the end of September and applying in January is slightly psychotic, but I've always been a little crazy. Luckily I happen to work with a lawyer and one of my best friends took the LSAT so I'm getting advice and borrowing books to study. The reading comprehension questions are fun, but the logic games are rather terrifying. I'm trying to think of them as logic proofs, because I was really good at logic proofs...8 years ago. Shush! I can do it...I hope...::hides under a blanket until all the deadlines are past::
-ImageOut! Woo!
-I've been taking more dance lessons at Arthur Murray, since right now I can take as many group lessons as I want for free but in a couple months our lessons will run out. Get em while I can and all that. Sometimes they're fun, sometimes they're boring. I like the more advanced classes better, which is nothing new for me really, I did the same thing in college. It's fun when John, who's been an instructor there since my parents started and has known me since I was 13, does things like convince me to join his Silver level class by saying "I think you can do anything you put your mind to Rachel"...and he's right. I'm good at following and good at learning the steps on my own, but I get frustrated with bad leads. It's an annoying thing about ballroom dancing that a good lead can get a newbie follower to dance almost anything, but if a Gold level woman is dancing with a Bronze man she's stuck doing Bronze moves. I won't be broken-hearted when lessons are over, but I will miss it. It was a fun way to hang out with Daddy.
-My Bollywood dance teacher returned from India and popped up at work, wanting me to dance in some shows this month. She's hypnotic, when she's in front of me I can't say no to I went to a practice, but I don't think I'll be doing the shows after all. I'm rushed for time and short on money, and also I don't have anywhere to practice. I'm barely ever at my parents' house anymore (which is where I have workout space) and Adam's is too small. Dammit. I'm still undecided on this.
-My stupid shoulder/neck/back thing is still messed up, so I'm restricted on exercising and have been going to PT. I do really like my physical therapist at least, she's really great. And slightly sadistic. I had no idea my neck and back had gotten so messed up until she started deep tissue massage and my muscles were like taut oiled rubber bands bouncing all over the place...ow...
-I need a "new" car. Anyone selling something?
Anyways, the main point of this post is - I know I've been neglecting my friends horribly, especially my darling Snyper. I'm so sorry Stacy! I swear on the soul of every single Robin that I still love you! But the LSATs will be eating my soul until December, and then I have to get my applications in by mid-January, and then I need to get a better-paying job and look for financial aid and get loans, and then assuming I get into a school I need to move...oh god. I've been so lazy for so long, I don't know if I can do this...No! I will! But I'll continue to neglect everyone, because I'm a terrible person. I'm sorry. ::hug::