Nov 24, 2008 21:51
My utility boots are leaking. :'( Apparently 5.11 Tactical's waterproofing standards can't handle Upstate NY slush. I've actually been wanting to replace them for awhile, as they smell so bad that removing them in public is a punishment reserved only for my worst enemies, but I've been away from Rochester winters for a couple years so I let them slide. But if they're leaking in November there's no way they'll survive until March. So now I have to decide if I want to buy another pair of tankers or wear my OhGodSoWarm boots all winter. See, I got these boots thinking "Hmm, my feet are always cold, I should get the warmest boots I can find", not realizing that they were meant to keep your feet warm during a nuclear winter.
In Alaska.
Plus they weigh like 10lbs each or something. Sigh, I really hate to bury another pair of boots in the Black Military Boot Graveyard that is my room...
In other news, I've refined my diet a little and improved my numbers, and I switched to the BFFM ratio of 50/30/20, since my body really seems to prefer carbs to protein and I'm not a bodybuilder. But I discovered that, shockingly, I'm eating too much fat! Like, a lot! I'm supposed to be getting 20% and I'm running more like 30-40%. :P Grrr. It's annoying because I'm not sure what to cut out. It's almost all unsaturated fats from things like nuts or flax. And then a wee bit from things like my buffalo burgers, which are already the leanest and most environmentally friendly red meat that's easily available so I really don't want to cut them out. When I make eggs I'm only using 1 yolk to 4 whites... What to doooo? I'm damn tempted to go back to ignoring the nutrition label and just reading the ingredients, but I won't give up yet!