Woo hoo! It was amazing! Yesterday was probably one of the longest days of my life...I woke up at 9am to go run 5 miles in prepartion for this race...then I came home and one other performer called me (making it three)...then I went to my soccer game...came back and got rejected by one possible but scored another, super-hot fourth performer! Yee haw! At this time it was around 5pm...and I had to call everyone and tell them where we were meeting to figure things out/find out what toys everybody had/pick music/costumes and then call the director/gather my shit/buy fuel...I finally get to where we were meeting a litte before 9pm...the last performer was there by 9:30pm...and we somehow put together 2 sets and a fuckin' awsome show by 10:30pm!! It was so much fun! I was a little nervous for the first part of the first set and I forgot some of the tricks I was gonna do...but I got more relaxed towards the middle. But the show included glow, fire poi, fire fingers, fleshing, eating and all of us burning at once! All the performers were awesome and we got a bunch of compliments. I can't wait til next time!
Anyone in LA check this out: