fic: aut vincere aut mori [swan queen] 1/?

Feb 18, 2013 22:19

Title: Aut Vincere aut Mori
Author: lysachan
Fandom: Once upon a Time
Paring: Swan Queen (Emma/Regina)
Word count: 4,692
Rating: R (for future chapters)
Summary: AU fic set in ancient Rome. Regina, a Vestal priestess, crosses paths with a mysterious gladiator. Suddenly, her life is not quite the same. Historical!Swan Queen.
A/N: A Swan Queen AU fic set in Ancient Rome. I mean, what? I have no idea where this came from. Well, Emma as a gladiator, that's what sparkled this whole thing. While I want to be as historically accurate as possible, I obviously need to take some liberties in order to get our heroines together. For the history buffs out there, the story kicks off in the year 80AD and goes on from there.

A big thank you to kayryn for the fanart (it is GORGEOUS and omg, SO HOT) and mrswoman for the wonderful beta.

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