Jun 21, 2007 22:20

so lets see.
other things.
and life.
well, work still sucks, cause its work. my boss thinks i'm trying to be some kind of whiny martyr maybe cause i bitch about always being there despite my hour rapage. and how if i'm working i'm never one position, but i do everything in the store at the same time. says its not special, he does the same thing. i didn't point out that he's salaried, and i'm not. bastard can do five things at once in my opinion, he makes 4 times what i do. oh well.

school, oh yeah, no updates, lol. funny me.

pets, George the hedgehog is becoming more and more friendly every day. that's a good thing. unfortunatly my pet bunny Bosun passed away a week ago. that's not a good thing. i will miss my bunny.

game, umm. don't even.

life, yeah. i think i have one... if not i'll go take someone's...

that's it for now. love ya, buh bye!

Which poem are you?
The Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath
To you, love is desperate and hateful. You're wildly passionate and wildly inventive. You're also likely to start stalking people.

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