Криватифф датчан поражает иммигрантов!

Dec 24, 2010 00:30

Иммигрантам в Дании предлагают деньги, чтобы покинуть страну

Солана Ларсен

Дания предлагает иммигрантам из "не-западных" странах 100000 датских kroners (US $ 20.000), если они добровольно откажутся от своего законного пребывания и перемещения "домой". Эту лишь одну из многих творческих инициатив возглавляет АНТИИМИГРАНТСКАЯ ДАТСКАЯ НАРОДНАЯ ПАРТИЯ чтобы иностранцы - и особенно мусульмане - чувствовали себя нежелательными гостями в этой маленькой европейской стране в 5,5 миллиона жителей.

Вот так культурно действуют европейцы против иммигрантов. Без мордобоя. Другое дело - насколько это будет эффективно!

Denmark's Immigrants Offered Money to Leave Country
by Global Voices November 11, 2009

By Solana Larsen

Denmark is offering immigrants from “non-Western” countries 100,000 Danish kroners (US$20,000) if they volunteer to give up their legal residency and move “home”. This is just one of many creative initiatives spearheaded by the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party to make foreigners - and especially Muslims - feel unwelcome in this small European country of 5.5 million inhabitants.

According to the Danish People's Party, a coalition partner of the two ruling right-wing parties of the Danish government, paying immigrants to leave Denmark will save the state money on social services and “problems” [da] in the long run. “It costs quite a lot to have maladjusted immigrants in Danish society,” said financial spokesperson of the party, Kristian Thulesen Dahl. Funds have also been set aside for campaigns by local authorities who wish to encourage immigrants to leave the country. The government have not yet calculated how many people can be expected to accept the offer.

Around 10% of the population in Denmark are immigrants or descendants of immigrants including from neighboring countries, as well as the rest of the world. The primary issue in politics and the media for the past many years has been the “integration” of Muslim and other non-western immigrants and the tension arising from a perceived clash of cultures. Danish politicians have created some of the most stringent immigration laws in all of Europe, and continue to score high for it in polls.

How much, to leave the country?

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