i knew all along that i was right at the start

Dec 11, 2007 14:03

Nara can feel...something. She's not sure what, yet, but she knows they need to find Sam's body. It's not as though that's a new idea, but with all of the high tech options that are being thrown around Rodney's lab, she thinks they're overlooking something very simple.


Rodney, currently, is attempting to triangulate Sam's location utilizing the microchip every gateteam member has implanted under their skin. This, obviously, would be difficult if he's not in this universe. But....try he does. "Yes. Yes?" He's a little distracted.

"Rodney, can I have your pinpoint?"

"Hm. Yes. Sure. Yes. Fine. Wait. Why?" Babble away.

Nara takes it -- carefully -- before he can change his mind, and only starts explaining as she goes through the programmed numbers for Sam's cellphone. "I'm going to call Sam's phone."

He thinks about this for a moment. "You think he'll answer?"

"No." She listens to it ring. "But he didn't walk out on his own--hello? Who is this?"

And with that, Rodney will watch with interest. While continuing to technobabble. It's amazing, really.

Nara touches his hand and then steps out of the lab. She'll tell him about it when she's done.

[[opening post written with clinicalentropy]]

sam, sylar, rp

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