Why is she here. Why is she here. Why is she here.
I asked her to join S.P.E.W. She asked me what it stood for. She seemed ever so concerned about "the cute little elves" but when I explained they were not very cute she laughed and then ignored me. She ignored me. And then her eyes changed color
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"Qualification #736: Smarter
than Hermione Granger and not that
hillbilly Hermione Granger that
goes to that that ghetto wizarding
school in Coon, Arkansas- but that
Hermione Granger who goes to Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
(i.e. Harry Potter's brilliant and
fuzzy headed chum)."
Hermione can take solace in Icicle's one particularly dreadful fault though!! She is so selfless that she often loses sleep so that she can save a cat from a tree or carry a family out from a burning building.
Damn. That makes me hate her already!!
Hogwarts is better than any silly American school, honestly.
and that is NOT a requirement for the Salem Academy. everyone knows it's a dreadfully easy school to get into anyway. how can you say Icicle is smarter than Hermione? Hermione is the smartest witch our age! Icicle is just pretty and giggly and bouncy! i've TALKED to her, it was mind-numbing!
and i don't actually DISLIKE Icicle at all, i just don't see why everyone is so enamored with her. she's just a pretty face, as far as i can tell. have you talked to her??
No. Why would I do that?
yeah, there isn't much of a reason really. i didn't want to judge her before i actually got a chance to talk to her. now i can safely say she's not that interesting or amazing at all, she's rather shallow and rude, actually.
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