The other day my truck ran out of gas,...and i didn't get to meet the parents,... i worry since my bad luck set in once it set a sour dispostion on the father figure, i really hope not,... all i know is that when time comes which may or may not be tomorrow i think it is i will do the only thing i know how ton do, which is be me, i hope i am something that is acceptable atleast.
and to everything else, the last couple days havent been anything less then just amazing, time never gets old and never turns stale, just britgher with every smile, and with looks that cross the room. I have never known of anything of the sort, and right now i am the happiest guy ever to be alive. i am in the best spot, and i think now after years of being nice it is starting to pay off, i dont feel like im in last place anymore, and well, i dont think i ever will finish in last place, even if this doesnt work out, but i hope it does for some time. i made an impression on a life, which i belive to be awesome in every way, and i made her smile, i can rest at night knowing i brought even just an ounce of joy to her world. I truely have never known feelings like this and it is truely just like a drug, and i am nothing more then an addict of the worst sort always waiting and wanting my next fix, just a hug or a kiss will satisfy, but will always leave me wanting another.
i didnt really notice much untill i decided to go back through a couple last post all have the same theme, Sarah and being happy. I really do know where i am, and i dont want to leave. I hope i never touch the ground.