❧ application

Dec 18, 2010 23:23

Name: Rapunzel (she’s actually Princess Rapunzel, but she doesn’t know it just yet)
Age: Rapunzel is 18, but due to her young appearance, could be taken for sixteen or seventeen.
Gender: Female
Fandom: Disney’s Tangled (Movie)
Timeline: Rapunzel is being taken right where Flynn Rider is taking her towards the docks for a special showing of the lanterns that she has been dreaming of seeing for herself since she was a child.
History: An elderly woman named Gothel witnesses a single ray of sun hit the ground, creating a magical flower with the ability to keep herself young when she sings to it. Centuries later, the queen of a large kingdom falls ill while expecting a child. Her guards located the mysterious flower, hidden by Gothel, and bring it to the queen. The flower heals the queen and she gives birth to a girl named Rapunzel, who comes to inherit the flower's magic through her long golden hair. One night, Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and isolates her in a tower as her own daughter. However, every year on her birthday, the kingdom sends floating lanterns into the sky longing for their lost princess to return.

Eighteen years later, Rapunzel asks Gothel that she wishes to see these annual floating lights that appear on her birthday, but Gothel rejects her by telling Rapunzel that the world is a dangerous place. Meanwhile, the thief Flynn Rider and his twin thugs heist the tiara of the missing princess from the castle. As they flee, Flynn abandons the twins, allowing the pursuing castle guards to capture them. The lead guard's horse, Maximus, is separated from his rider but continues the search for Flynn on his own.

Flynn happens upon Rapunzel's tower to hide in, only to be held captive by Rapunzel and her pet chameleon, Pascal. Rapunzel bargains with Flynn that if he escorts her to the lights and back, she will return the tiara. Flynn agrees as Rapunzel is excited to be free, but is soon conflicted between the elation from the new experience and the guilt of disobedience. Later, Gothel returns to finds Rapunzel gone, but the tiara hidden in a bag under the stairs.

The pair arrive at the Snuggly Duckling, a seedy pub filled with thugs. However, the thugs recognize Flynn from the poster and plan to turn him in, but Rapunzel confronts the men stating that she needs Flynn to complete her dream of seeing the lights. The thugs decide to help her as they too have unfinished dreams. Gothel watches through a window, but before she can do anything, the royal guard enter and pursue Flynn and Rapunzel to a wooden dam and hide in a closed-off cave. Maximus causes the dam to break and the surrounding area and the cave begin to flood. Thinking that they will die, Flynn reveals to Rapunzel that his real name is actually Eugene Fitzherbert, and she explains that her hair glows when she sings. Realizing that it would light the cave, she sings and the cave is illuminated as they swim to a loosened clump of rocks and escape the cave. Meanwhile, Gothel finds the thieving twins and offers them something worth much more than the tiara.

That night, Rapunzel heals Flynn's hand, which was injured in their escape, with her hair and explains that if her hair is cut, it loses its power and turns brown. As Flynn goes to collect firewood, Gothel appears and pleads with Rapunzel to return to the tower, but Rapunzel refuses as she now has a liking for Flynn. Gothel gives Rapunzel the tiara in the bag and says that Flynn is only interested in it and will leave Rapunzel after he gets it. The next morning, Rapunzel forces Maximus to strike a truce with Flynn as the group arrives at the castle for the princess' birthday festival. That evening, Flynn rows Rapunzel out in a small dingy to the middle of an adjacent lake to gain a good view of the lantern release. Rapunzel gives Flynn the tiara saying that she now trusts him. Flynn sees the twins on a different shore and tells Rapunzel that he will be right back. Flynn apologies to the twins and returns the tiara, but the twins want Rapunzel instead. Moments later, the twins tell Rapunzel that Flynn has abandoned her for tiara, when in reality the twins have tied Flynn to a boat after knocking him unconscious. However, Gothel betrays them to look like she's rescuing Rapunzel.

Rapunzel returns to her tower room and notices that a flag she collected at the festival looks exactly like the paintings she made all over the tower's interior. The sunburst design is an early memory from her life in the kingdom. Rapunzel realizes that she is the lost princess and confronts Gothel. Meanwhile, Flynn is arrested and is sentenced to be hanged, but is instead rescued by Maximus and the thugs from the Snuggly Duckling. Flynn and Maximus rush to Rapunzel's tower and find Rapunzel held captive by Gothel. Gothel stabs Flynn, but Rapunzel tells Gothel that as long as she lets her heal Flynn, she would go away with Gothel willingly. Since Flynn would rather die than have Rapunzel stay trapped in the tower forever, Flynn cuts Rapunzel's hair, causing all of her hair to lose its power and turn brown. As a result of the loss of power from her hair, Gothel quickly ages and falls from the tower, but disintegrates before she can hit the ground. Flynn tells Rapunzel that she was his new dream. Rapunzel sings the healing incantation, and cries, with one last drop of magic in her tear, landing on Flynn’s face, suddenly healing Flynn. Later, Flynn returns Rapunzel to meet her parents and eventually marries her.

Character Personality:

Rapunzel grew up locked away in a tower, emotionally bullied into staying there for the sake of her “mother’s” good heart, which would break if Rapunzel ever left. Mother Gothel constantly put false ideas of the outside world into Rapunzel’s head, attempting to make Rapunzel frightened of the outside world, and thus, have the girl want to stay forever in the tower. But, after all the emotional abuse Mother Gothel put Rapunzel through for eighteen years, Rapunzel came out with a lot of spunk, pluck, and a rebellious urge in her that lead her to make the important deal with Flynn Rider in the first place. In short, it did the exact opposite of what Mother Gothel wanted it to do.

But, despite her spunk, she’s naive and gullible (all thanks to her “mother’s” teachings over her eighteen year). Mother Gothel told her that people beyond the tower were really monsters with large fangs and claws, and that they were full of awful greed and would want to take Rapunzel’s magical hair (more on that later in the app) for themselves by any means necessary. She claimed that this is why she put Rapunzel in the tower: to protect her “precious flower” from the horrible outside world. However, as Rapunzel adventures outside her tower, she comes to realize that Gothel was wrong (the first example of this was even within the tower, when Rapunzel got a good look at Flynn, the first person besides her mother that she’s seen in eighteen years) who she finds, to her surprise and awe, does not actually own large fangs and claws.

Rapunzel is very sweet, thoughtful, caring and kind. She takes all the forms of love seriously, since she received love in such abundance from her mother. Which is why Rapunzel never thought to leave her tower all those years she could (as it turns out, she has the bravery to face the “evil world”, but not the bravery to break her mother’s heart). Rapunzel hates to see people upset. Worse is if she causes the upsetting, and thus, a great deep well of guilt and pain starts to pool inside the child. This guilt will eat at her, causing her to swing emotions right in the middle of them. Flynn Rider even once commented that Rapunzel seemed to be “at war” with herself.

Besides that, she’s very bright, happy, and constantly optimistic about almost everything. She’s a dreamer, a hopeless romantic, and, by symbolism of the very essence of sunshine within her, constantly radiating warmth (sometimes literally with her hair). She’s also bright, in the sense of knowledge. All the time she spent in her tower, she gave herself many things to do with the aid of Mother Gothel who gave the girl whatever she wanted to occupy her time. Of Rapunzel’s many skills, they include: baking, glassblowing, knitting, making candles, making pottery, making ships-in-bottles, painting, playing bongo drums, playing chess, playing guitar, playing harmonica, practice trapeze, practicing magic tricks, reading, sewing, skipping rope, solving puzzles, throwing darts, twirling the baton, weaving rugs, and finally, writing poetry. She is sometimes childish, carefree with a very childish naturalness toward everything. This is a component important to Rapunzel, since anything that she does not understand, she looks at it with curiosity and wonder, wanting to know more.

All the time she spent in the tower, she spent it gaining whatever knowledge she had access to, and learning whatever she could. For example, when she first started to see the “floating lights” when she was a child, throughout the years she wondered if they were stars, and so she mapped out the points and constellations of the stars on the inside wall of the tower to find that the floating lights were not at all stars. She takes to learning new things quite quickly, with a happy disposition towards discovery.

Character Abilities: Once upon a time, the sun dropped a golden droplet of its essence from the sky. It landed upon earth, and from that spot, grew a flower. This flower had the ability to heal anything. A witch of a woman (Mother Gothel) discovered the abilities of the flower, and found that it could return youth when she sang a simple incantation to it. Rather than share this wonderful plant with the world, she greedily kept it to herself, using it for hundreds of years for immortality. However, this did not stop the legend of the flower to spread, and years later, not far off, in a kingdom by (practically on the sea) a beloved Queen was heavily pregnant, and very ill. Her husband, the equally beloved King sent out an order to find the legendary flower. The witch tried to hide the flower, but she made a mistake, and the search party discovered the flower, unearthed, and took it.

It was placed in a medicine that the Queen drank, and, later, brought her out of her serious illness. She soon gave birth to a healthy baby girl, with the most brightest, loveliest, and long, golden hair. The essence of the sun in the flower that the Queen took for her medicine, had been given to her child as well, gifting the baby with healing properties.

Through her hair. You can already guess that the baby is Rapunzel. Rapunzel’s hair has the ability to heal when she sings the same incantation that Mother Gothel sings. It also glows quite brightly, and enough to light up an entire dark cavern.

But there is one rule when it comes to her hair: she can never cut it, or else it will turn brown and lose its healing abilities. This is the reason as to why Rapunzel’s hair has grown so long at such a rapid pace to 70 ft.

Rapunzel has the average strength of a young woman her age, only she is somewhat stronger, since she grew up with such long and heavy hair, having to get stronger to even move with it as easily as she can now.

Character Weaknesses: Rapunzel’s greatest weakness is her gullibility. She was manipulated by Gothel for so long that it’s left her naive and vulnerable at points where she might trust easily and willingly a person of bad morals and judgment, not knowing the truth of the deception before her very eyes. She may even believe whatever lies they make-up to cover their tracks. She has trouble discerning truth and lies, even sarcasm, when it comes to it.

Another point of weakness is her hair. It is what caused Mother Gothel to kidnap her from her parents, and it is what caused her to be locked away in a tower for eighteen years. It is what also caused her to be tracked, almost held hostage and sold, and finally, it is what causes her beloved, Flynn Rider, to be mortally wounded by Mother Gothel. Her hair is her treasure, as well as the bane of her existence, but she only realizes this at the end of the movie, when Mother Gothel harms Flynn for coming close to Rapunzel.

Other than that, Rapunzel is defenseless without her wits about her, and something to throw, such as her frying pan. Get her alone, without anything around her to grab onto for defense, and she’s at her weakest point.


Why your character should be a Weapon: Constantly throughout the movie, Rapunzel is used as a means. By Mother Gothel for immortality and by thugs for money. She’s valuable. However, Rapunzel also comes to use her own weakness (her hair) as a weapon and tool throughout the entire movie, bit by bit. She becomes determined and willing to do whatever she can, and to defy all rules set for her. Especially Mother Gothel’s.

What is your character's Weapon form?: Rapunzel’s weapon form is a frying pan. A cast-iron, hard-hitting, frying pan. Rapunzel trusts this cooking utensil above all else to defend herself when she leaves her tower at the beginning of the film. And throughout the film, it proves to be the most useful tool besides Rapunzel’s hair. Even against a sword, a tall, bulky thug, and Flynn himself, Rapunzel fells more foes with a frying pan.


Soul Description: Courageous, Brave, Caring, Loving, Cheerful, Naive

Soul Appearance: Rapunzel’s soul is briht pink, with a cheerful smile beaming. She has a long, long, long braid, with a very warm aura to show her caring and kind demeanor. There is a flower at the top of the hair to symbolize the flower she received her healing abilities from, and the flower that she’s named after.


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