Title: Ode to Optophobia, or: Ten Men That Loved Annie Edison (9/19)
Author: veryspecial0ne
Rating: R for the whole series, to be safe.
Word count: ~2300 for this installment, ~25,000 for the series thus far.
Disclaimer: I have now been tweeted by both Dan Harmon and Alison Brie. I'm pretty sure that's the closest I'll ever come to
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Vaughn! I feel bad for him in this story. Actually, I feel bad for him on the show. He seemed to genuinely care about Annie, though it was completely unrealistic of him to expect her to move to Delaware with him.
Speaking of, I really liked how you handled Annie's decision to go here. It makes sense that it would have to be a last minute decision, and one motivated by her feelings for Jeff. Too much time and she would've backed out sooner. As much as I believe she truly cared for Vaughn, it was never enough to uproot herself like that so early in their relationship.
And I loved how Annie told Jeff because she knew he wouldn't convince her to stay, even though she clearly wished that he would. But that still didn't stop her from realizing her mistake before it was too late.
Looking forward to part B!
Maybe when you were talking about the "bond" you meant the way that the two just seem to understand each other really well? It's strange, because they're opposites in so many ways, but those two just GET each other. I wrote like a whole essay about it in one of my reviews for It's Always Open Season on Princesses, I think, haha.
Yes, I think that's right. They get each other on a level that no one else does and that's part of what makes their connection so compelling.
BTW, how's the play going?
That was probably a way more involved answer than that question called for but I have very few people to talk to in my hometown and I like to think you've kind of become my fanfic buddy. Unless I'm reading into some things.
That's a bummer about the rehearsals. At least you're enjoying it now.
Unless I'm reading into some things.
The 'veryspecial0ne of it all'? Hee.
Fanfic buddy. I like it. Feel free to share the drama, pun intended. ;-)
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