Nov 19, 2008 15:30
True Blood is all sorts of amazing. I thought I was done with vampires and crap, but I'm not.
1. Oh Sookie. You have a stupid name, and fake hair, but you win for all of time for being dressed in your fugly angel pajamas in your sexy dream about Vampire Bill.
2. Vampire Bill is the broodiest, best vampire on TV since Angel. Oh how I miss Buffy.
3. Speaking of which. The supporting characters on this show make this show so much more amazing. Like Sookie's brother, Jason, who's stupider than a box of hair. It's fun to see him make a fool of himself. Then there's her best friend Tara who had a crush on Jason. And her coworkers, her boss, who may or may not be a weredog. Alexander Skarsgård, who, inexplicably looks bangin with long hair, and is a big movie star in Sweden, plays some sort of head vampire Eric on TB. He also plays a marine in Generation Kill, and was a marine a few years ago. Bangin. I even consider the cute fangs that pop out when vampires get excited a character on this show. They look like little snapped off crayon points. Not so much the fucking Southern accents. Arg. I may have to stop myself from speaking with a twang. I'm easily influenced like that.