(no subject)

Apr 22, 2007 20:15

Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
Post three/four official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for each.
Hey guys, guess the movies!

1. Nazi Concentration Camp / Italy / 1930s / 1940s
2. Personals Column / Aquarium / Boston Massachusetts / Mother Daughter Relationship / Prank
3. Daughter / Fantastic / Fairy / Elf / Tied To Chair
4. Childhood Friend / Death / Bruise / Loss Of Brother / Loss Of Friend
5. No Opening Credits / Death / Helicopter / Pegasus / Underworld
6. Marching Band / Responsibility / True Love / Bittersweet / Fairy Tale
7. Road Trip / Suicide / Judaism / Holocaust Memories / Directorial Debut
8. Famous Score / Male Female Relationship / Fish Out Of Water / Buddhist / Princess Diana
9. Single Mother / Burial / Dead Father / Hospital / Hiv Positive
10. Colleagues / Male Nudity / Bare Butt / Male Stripping


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