Oct 26, 2008 12:08
You should wish you were here. It smells amazing right now. I just finished baking a batch of pumpkin muffins, and I've got some turkey bacon in a pan to pre-cook for the week. I wish it smelled like this all the time. I've been making an effort to do as much cooking on the weekend as possible so that it's easier during the week. I actually really enjoy cooking so it's not like a chore. Then I have a variety of leftovers to take for lunch during the week. Unlike Andrew, I can't eat the same thing everyday for lunch. Yet I like to have the same thing everyday for breakfast. It takes the thinking out of the morning, and I'm very much a creature of habit. I've really been trying to clean up my eating habits. I've been eating so much junk for so long, and it's time to change. I'm hoping it will help me lose some weight, but it's mostly because I'm just tired of feeling like crap. You know what they say... you are what you eat. I must confess though... yesterday I was a McChicken. I went downtown for a chiro appointment and ended up staying for an hour massage because my back was so tight I couldn't be adjusted properly. I think it's due to a combination of not excersizing right now, and sharing a pillow with my cat. I don't know how, but I always end up squished at the bottom of the pillow.
Anyway... the dog is barking at me which means I should probably let him out.
So You Think You Can Dance Live show tonight... uber-excited. I heart Twitch