Dec 18, 2005 20:58
About You and Yours
1. What does the name say on your birth certificate say?
Shari Beth Archinoff
2. What is the name that all your friends call you by?
3. What day of the year do you blow out the candles?
March 8
4. Which country authorized your passport?
5. What are you Zodiac and Chinese signs?
Pisces and the rat
6. In terms of politics, do you sit on the right or the left?
The fact that I'm not sure what's what should fill you in on my political stance
7. Look in the mirror. The color of your hair is what?
It's auburn right now. Not natural
8. Look in the mirror one more time, what color are your eyes?
Green with flecks of orange
Home Sweet Home
1. Who are all those other people living in your house?
You mean the cat? That's Miss Bettina Fredericka Boozeryby-Snoozerton (aka Betty Freddy Boozer-Snoozer)
2. Do you get along with mom mum or dad better?
I'd say both, although I deal with my mom better in small chunks
3. What do your parents' friends call them?
Debi and Glenn
4. Any siblings living outside the house?
My sister, who lives with her boyfriend. And apparently, some fish
5. What's the name of the city you live in currently?
6. You love it there, dont you?
Yeah... what's it you to?
7. If you could live absolutely anywhere on the Earth, what location would you choose?
Sydney, Australia. It's exactly like Toronto, but with an ocean
8. Out of all those blood related, immediate or other, which single person would you list as your favorite?
My Bubbie, the ultimate grandmother
9. Who is one you wish you didn't share blood with?
um, I can't really say there is any one...
10. Overall, are you like mother's side of the family more, or your dad's?
My dad's side, definitely.
Confidentiality & Beliefs
1. What's your worst fear? Have you ever experienced this fear?
I think my worst fear would probably be accidentally killing someone else (like in a car or something). Thankfully, no I haven't
2. Have you ever acted troubled just to get attention?
I've acted not troubled to not get attention...
3. Do you believe in God? Jesus? Satan? Heaven? Purgatory?
None of the above
4. Do you have a secret that you'll take to the grave with you?
you know, I can't say that I do. I'm not really good with keeping secrets
5. Have you ever told somebody you loved them when secretly you didn't at all?
I have, but that was a long time ago.
6. If you could change one thing about your physical looks, what would it be?
liposuction... whole body, preferably but I can deal with just the stomache
7. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
I would like to be more confidant
8. Have you ever cried in front of someone, and felt ashamed of it?
Yeah... I cry easily
9. Have you ever done drugs? Are you on drugs?
Have I ever? yes. Am I right now.... No, school tomorrow
The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music
1. If you had to pick, what's your favorite song of the moment?
tough call. I will say Bohemian Rhapsody, because it rocks
2. Do you get most of your music from the internet, or from the store?
the internet. Some legal downloads, some not so much
3. Even though you can download music, do you still buy CDs just because of the CD-case, CD itself, booklet, or just general authenticity?
I prefer it that way, although the fact that I'm broke and extremely lazy tends to play a factor in my purchases
4. What lone genre of music do you prefer above all?
I guess I dig the acoustic folk-pop scene
5. What genre of music would you never be caught dead with?
I'm pretty open... but I gotta go with the pop-punk crap
6. What band/artist has impacted your life the most?
Let's see... I have to credit Hanson with my love for music, Jason Mraz with the renaissance of my love for music and my current inspiration, and the Counting Crows with my life in general
7. What band/artist makes you cringe?
Two words. Lindsay Lohan
8. How many music files do you have on your computer?
9. How many are illegal?
69. hehehehe
10. What instruments can you play?
the guitar, but I kinda suck
The Small & Silver Screens
1. What's your favorite movie?
How does one choose??? Empire Records and Newsies have stood the test of time. I think Rent might make the list, but it hasn't been around long enough
2. Generally, what genre of movies do you jump at the opportunity to see?
quirky indie flicks. and musicals
3. Who is the actress/actor you most admire?
I'm a little obsessed with Uma Thurman right now (I just saw Kill Bill 1 &2)
4. Do you cry during/after certain movies?
Damn straight. I'm a pisces, I can't help it
5. What time of day do you prefer to see movies at (morning/noon/night?)
Early evening is good
6. What is the TV show you never miss?
I try to tune in to Family Guy, but it depends on what I'm doing Sunday nights. I refuse to tape anything
7. What is it you like about it so much?
cuz it's freakin' sweet
8. What's the one TV show you can't stand?
just one? But there are so many. I can't believe they brought Deal or No Deal here. Such a dumb show, yet oddly hypnotizing
9. Do you think you spend more time watching the television or using the computer?
A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B
10. Do you personally think that you spend too much time watching TV?
Probably. But mostly it's just on for noise
Bon Appetit
1. Whats your favorite meal?
does chocolate count as a meal? I love pizza, but pizza doesn't like me :(
2. How about your favorite desert?
now I know chocolate counts in this one. Other than that... creme brulee. Mmmm
3. When only a kid, did you eat your vegetables?
I don't really remember being given vegetables. My mom used to make soggy stir-fry, which I probably ate but didn't like.
4. Do you still eat vegetables?
indeed I do. I'm going to make a nice vegetable soup when I'm done this
5. Are you a poor, average, or excellent cook?
right now I'd say average, but I'd like to get better.
6. What type of food do you prefer?
I like all food.
7. Salt or pepper?
salt always, pepper most times
8. Ketchup or mustard?
mustard. Sometimes ketchup, if it's fries or something
9. Do you prefer going out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I like breakfast food, but I'm rarely ever up in time to go out for breakfast. I guess dinner, but I like eating out anytime
10. Do you eat to live or live to eat?
I live to eat.
All's Fair In Love and War
1. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
I have a boyfriend
2. Are you in love? Or are you using them?
I'm using him for his money. HAHAHAHA... no, I love him
3. Do you find most of the time you dislike the people that like you and vice versa?
no... do you?
4. In terms of relationships, are you loving or manipulative?
loving... unless there's something I'm want ;)
5. Do you live to love? Or would you rather love to live?
You live to come up with these questions, or do you love them? I love to live, bitch
6. Do you believe that sex should come before or after marriage?
Who needs marriage? Let's get it on!
7. Do you plan to marry, if so at what age?
see above
8. Do plan to have children, if so how many?
I don't really plan of it, but I like the idea of adoption
9. Are your parents married or divorced?
married for almost 30 years
10. Do you want to have a big, spectacular wedding with everyone you know invited or a small, traditional, get-together with family and close-friends wedding?
the second one
11. Is the person who tagged this to you attractive?
well, i stole this from Alex, and I haven't seen her in a crazy long time, but from what I recall... yeah, she's pretty hot
12. Would you ever date the person who tagged you?
well, that was fun. I guess I should study for my midterm now