♚ℜ» 4

Apr 01, 2008 00:04

I have candles.......~~~ ♥

To the person who traded me items, also:
I forgot to mention to you something.
Do you strongly dislike anyone~~?

This place is so dark....~ It's almost to the point that it is unnessecary to wear my robes sometimes, even. I still do, though.

I am not entirely interested in inquiring for a job here. They are menial and unsuiting, for the most part.

I should like to make a living of the powers of Black Magic, in fact....~~~ ♥ I just need more artifacts. Hrn.

Suoukun is... taking care of her...
It pains me.
I pray every night, every day, for Kirimi to accept the Darkness, even love it, embrace it... But though I have prayed thus for the past three years.... it is so far in vain.
She'd much rather have a bright person, born from the Light, like Suou as her brother... I should not deny her happiness.
Perhaps someday, too, Kirimi should find it in the Darkness, however.

tamaki, jobs, cloak, black magic, voodoo doll, sunlight, darkness, makubex, kirimi, beelzenef

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