Where did all the Little Kid go? Did you lose it in a hateful fight?

May 04, 2005 15:03

Me:This song starts with "I saw my friend the other day".
The other song starts with "My friend drove off the other day".
Zaynab:Who's Mike?
Me:Mike dirnt they're Green Day songs
Zaynab:^ ^ ^ ^ ^
wha? ha?
simplify into Zaynab-can-understand language
Me: Mike Dirnt: Green Day bassist.
He wrote those two songs. They have similar first lines.
Zaynab: wow fascinating!
Me: I'm just saying. 'cause they're like the only ones he wrote and they sound similar, as opposed to the "variety" in Billie-written songs.
Zaynab: oh.
Me: :P
Zaynab: ::cartoon faces::
Me: >:(
Zaynab: ::cartoon man saying "ga huk!"::
Me: -you are making me angry.
Zaynab: oh ok ::cartoon labelled "Dr boatins head from my view" (it is the back of a head with very large ears)::
Crystal: ::cartoon from semi side view of Dr Boatin with him looking stern with his chin in his hand::
Zaynab:ok whathya wanna talkabout?
Zaynab: Then why you asking me to write/say something? oh ok you ever see the movie Hannibal? Well theres this one part where Hannibal hangs this guy but before he does he cuts his stomach open so when he pushed him off the ledge, his guts fell out.
It was so cool.
Me: No. No that's just gross. Like Quentin T~~~~~~tino movies
Zaynab: And a piece of his intestines was still hanging out from him. So so so so cool. It was great.
Me: Not. Cool. At. All.
Zaynab: ok then little ballerinas came dancing out to green day music with Billie Joe in a tutu
Me: :P. But that would be hot. I've actually seen a picture where they were all wearing skirts. He didn't have a shirt on and his looked like a tutu. And in the International Superhits booklet there're pictures with him wearing a dress.
Zaynab: Wow Fascinating! But come on who wears tutus like mat? (sarcasm, my greatest service)
Me:No one. Truly. But it was a hot picture. (the first one). It was probably for the song "King For a Day" which is about a guy who dresses in women's clothing. Now when they do that song he shows everyone his thong. yeah. eww.
Zaynab:Masturbation + thongs
There are some screws loose in his head there
Me: It is all the drugs and the whole "I like men too" thing.
Zaynab: He said this?
Me: He is bisexual
Zaynab: Isn't he married you might've said he was
Me: He is. And he's definitely attracted to women. My guess is he's mostly straight but he once had drunken sex with Tré: that is, he isn't afraid of thinking guys are good looking.
Zaynab: Oh and Tre is the drummer?
ODD weird dude.
Me: Yeah he's the naughty weirdo drummer. They were both very drunk, mind.
Zaynab:That is CRAZY! I really cant imagine him with a guy! Good thing I can't right?
Me: Well that's up to you what to think. …

(^my mind right now)

Hey! He's a really good guy, though.
Zaynab: He sounds like a really nice guy and I would probably be his friend if he wasnt celebrity. I like variety in friends.
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