
Jul 14, 2015 20:13

I don't have anything to say and I don't know how to say it.

I used to journal for ... reasons? Talking to people about stuff. Sharing experiences. Connecting with friends.

If I journal for myself, it's too personal to share. Or too confusing and disjointed to be understood by anyone but me. I don't really understand it either.

I would like to write and have others read what I write, but am afraid to reveal the mess that is me to the world.

Could write just for me, but it echoes and makes no sense and peters out.

I have tried writing on 750words (just for me), facebook (mostly for family), tumblr (mostly for a small group of friends) and it's scattered and weird.

Everything is scattered and weird. I don't have much integrity, in the sense of an integrated feeling of self. I don't know who I am or what I want or what I'm trying to do.

Immediate priorities include surviving each day, caring for child, caring for dogs. Broader priorities shift and change so often it seems hardly worth capturing them.
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